Daishou Suguru

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TW: Slight blood and gore, and character death (Not Daisuga).

Daichi's breath puffed out in short, hurried bursts. He forced himself to stumble out of the mass of corpses. Hinata, Tanaka, Kinoshita, and Yachi. All dead. 

He swallowed down as much oxygen as his body would allow, coughing up blood into his palm. 

"Daichi?!" A sweet, familiar voice yelled desperately. Daichi's eyes snapped towards the sound, and tears started to finally run down his cheeks. 

"Suga..." He murmured, relieved to have found his boyfriend. "Suga!" He shouted, much louder. 

The silver haired man walked slowly to Daichi, and the brown haired male fell to his knees. 

"Daichi!!!" Suga screamed, picking up his pace so he was next to Daichi within a few seconds. He placed his hand on Daichi's back, shifting the taller into his waiting arms. "Hey, hey, what happened?"

Daichi closed his eyes, vaguely motioning behind the two of them. Suga furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, and he turned his gaze. 

Suga's grip on Daichi's arm slackened. 


Daichi flinched at the loud noise. It was uttered quietly, but echoed throughout the otherwise silent and still world.

"W-what happened?" Suga whispered. Daichi couldn't give a good answer.

"Tell me what happened!" Suga screamed frantically. He yanked himself out of Daichi's grasp and ran towards the pile of dead bodies. "No- no no no no NO!!!" 

Daichi winced and whirled around to tug Suga away from where he was sobbing and shouting. Suga glared at Daichi, and the latter sighed. 

"I know, Koushi. It's bad, and it will always feel bad. But we have to keep going now. Please."

It must have been that anguished 'please' that had finally snapped Suga out of his trance. He swiped the tears that had been falling down his cheeks quickly and stood up. His eyes lingered on Hinata's face for a split second longer, then he turned away.

And so the two of the last survivors of the Apocalypse made their way to find the third. 

The one and only...

Daishou Suguru.

333 words.

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