That One Where It's Indirect DaiSuga

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"Woah!" Suga breathed out, his mouth hanging wide open in awe at the sight before him. His eyes raked over the millions of rings, bracelets, earrings, and necklaces. The jewelry store was absolutely stunning. Diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, rubies, every gem you could think of was piled into the tiny shop. 

Suga found that his attention was instantly caught by a shimmering pearl ring surrounded with beautiful amethysts. He sucked in a breath as he was captivated by the beauty of it. 

"So, you like that one?" A uncannily familiar voice called out to him.

Suga whirled around to find an old high school friend - Akaashi Keiji. The two of them didn't talk as much as they used to when they played volleyball together, but they were still on quite good terms.

"Akaashi-San! I haven't seen you in ages!" Suga exclaimed excitedly, running over to pull Akaashi into an embrace. 

Akaashi let out a small laugh, and Suga yanked away. He looked Akaashi over, and smiled at how much more emotion the younger setter was now showing.

Suga suddenly remembered why he was at a jewelry store, and he grabbed Akaashi's hand. 

"Right! By the way- why are you in a jewelry store? I mean, I'm here cause I'm trying to pick out an engagement ring for Daichi, but I don't know what to pick!" Suga rambled, and Akaashi listened closely, nodding thoughtfully.

"Well, I am just here since Koutaro wants to give every single one of his teammates a gift since they won the World Championships. He ran off to another shop a few minutes ago." Akaashi explained, and Suga gasped, clasping his hands together.

"Awwww, that's so sweet of him! And that match was incredible! I watched it on TV..." Suga muttered out. 

Akaashi hummed and started to roam around the store. He found that he quite liked one of their sapphire bracelets. He walked over to it, and picked it up. 

Suga bounded to that area and looked over Akaashi's shoulder. "Ooooh, that ones pretty. Are you going to get it?"

Akaashi shook his head and placed the bracelet back down, his lips curled in a slight smile. "No."

Suga pouted. "Whatever you want to do, Keiji." He then whirled towards the ring section he was staring at earlier, and he leaned down. "I wonder which one of these would look better on his fingers." Suga sighed. "I really should've brought Dai."

Akaashi laughed, and rested his hand on the shorter's shoulder. "Don't worry about it. If he really loves you, he would say yes to a plastic ring."

Suga giggled, and beamed at Akaashi. "Thanks Keiji. I needed that!"

Akaashi gave him a shy smile, and then left the store. Suga stared at his back for a second, then he huffed out a laugh. "Bokuto better be treating that man right! Lord knows he deserves the world."

473 words 

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