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Daichi rubbed his arms subconsciously, lightly scraping the skin with his fingernails. Suga laid a comforting hand on his forearm, and he smiled gratefully at his husband. 

"Don't worry, Dai. She's in a better place." Suga said softly, and Daichi nodded along, leaning his head against Suga's shoulder. 

"Yeah, I know. But it still hurts." Daichi confessed, new tears starting to run down his face. Suga sighed, and maneuvered Daichi into a good position so he could pull the latter into a warm embrace. 

"It's alright. Shh, it'll be okay." Suga reassured him, tangling his fingers into the dark brown hair, carding through it gently. 

Daichi soon calmed down, and his cries turned into tiny sniffles. "I love you..." He whispered.

Suga caressed Daichi's cheek and drew small circles with his thumb. He made sure that Daichi was looking at him, their eyes holding contact as Suga said his next words. 

"I love you, too. Never forget that."

158 words

DaiSuga DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now