"I Love You As Well"

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Suga wondered if Daichi's thighs were always that formed, or if he worked hard on it.

Immediately after that thought, Suga's face burst with color. He squeaked and buried his face into his pillow.

Oh my god I'm thinking like a high school pick me girl. He thought, whining out loud.

"Koushi?" The soft voice of his older sister said as she knocked lightly on his door. "Come down, Mom needs your help with dinner."

Suga swallowed, but smiled as he stood up from his bed. He straightened out the covers and went to open the door.

"Okay Onee-san!" Suga replied, and she moved out of his way so he could bound down the stairs. 

"Mom, how can I help you?" Suga asked when he reached the floor. 

"Oh, hello Koushi! Someone is here for you, and I wanted to know if they would like to stay for dinner." Suga's mother, Vivian (Suga's great-grandmother is American), told her son.

Suga tilted his head in confusion. "Here for me? O-okay, I'll go check it out."

Suga headed for the front door, and he heard somebody's muffled voice on the other side. "No- Asahi, I can't just go up to him and ask that-!"

Suga slowly pushed the door open, and he found Daichi glaring at his phone. The 'This user has hung up' screen was there, and Suga laughed. 

"DaichI! I didn't know you were coming over!" Suga exclaimed, his face lighting up. A small grin graced the shorter's lips, and Daichi almost screamed. His boyfriend was absolutely adorable.

"Hey, Suga." Daichi paused, and fidgeted. "Sorry for bothering you."

Suga giggled, and he jumped into Daichi's arms, which were always ready to catch the silver haired male. "You aren't! Plus- Mom wants to know if you would like to stay for dinner!"

Daichi's eyes softened, and he shifted Suga's body in his arms. "Of course, darling. I would love to."

Suga grinned, and he connected their lips in a chaste kiss. "I adore you." He murmured.

"I love you as well, Koushi."

(Daichi and Suga will say "I love you as well" instead of "I love you, too" because they don't like how often that second response is used. Same with the "I adore you" thing.)

362 words

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