Just Another Terrible Day

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Saying that Suga had a bad day would be an understatement. Suga was having one of the worst days of his entire life.

First, he goes to take a shower in the morning, only to find that some weird ass heater is broken or some shit! So, after taking a cold shower, he gets dressed. 

Except he can't find his favorite hoodie.

So Suga decided that he would just wear one of his not as loved sweatshirts. He puts it on, and heads to school.

But in their regular meeting spot, guess who doesn't show up?


Suga's motherfucking boyfriend doesn't show up.

So Suga is late to practice because he waited for Daichi like a good significant other! And yet he gets yelled at. And wanna know who's right there? 


Daichi, in all of his stupid ass glory. 

Suga was seething at this point. And to make things worse, almost all his sets were off due to his bad mood. And even Hinata commented on it! Fucking Hinata!

And as if the universe didn't hate him enough, he failed his English test. Why the fuck did English have to be so damn complicating?! Like- just put the damn comma in a different fucking place!

Yeah, so to say that Suga was having a horrible day was still an understatement. And he still had more to go.

And that's when Raleigh showed up. Yeah, he has a stupid name. In all honesty though, Suga felt kinda bad. A kid with a name that was the capital of North Carolina didn't go through Middle School or High School without being bullied. 

"Oi! Dipshit!" Raleigh yelled out, loud enough for the entire cafeteria to go quiet, all eyes silently turning to where the American strolled up to Suga. "How's your stupid boyfriend?"

The mocking tone of his harasser almost made Suga lose it. 

1, 2, 3... Suga slowly counted in his head. If he was good at anything, it would be the ability not to lash out at dumb people.

"I think he's doing pretty well." Suga retorted coldly. Daichi was sitting on the opposite side of the lunchroom, yet he could still hear Suga's voice clear as day.

A whisper spread throughout the room. 

"Sugawara's gay?"

"Oh my God! That must be why he rejected me last year!"

"Ewwww, being gay is really fucking gross."

"How the hell is he going to have kids? I thought that he wanted them..."

"Wowwww, where's he gonna get married? We all know it's illegal here."

Suga clenched his hands into fists, a sign that he was either about to start yelling, crying, fighting, or a mixture of all three. Daichi's sharp eyes caught this subtle movement, and he stood up abruptly, his chair being flung back in the process. 

"Suga!" He shouted, and Suga lifted his head to meet Daichi's stare. "Don't listen to him! I'm right here!"

"Is that his boyfriend?"

"Oh my gosh DaiSuga is finally a thing!!!"

"Damnit. I was going to ask Daichi out. Well fuck."

"Ugh, are all the hot boys gay?!"

Suga laughed lightly at the murmurs being thrown around the room. He watched as Daichi strode across the cafeteria quickly. Daichi reached out and pulled Suga into a warm embrace. Suga had small beads of tears collecting under his eyes, and Daichi managed to wipe them away before they even fell.

"Don't worry. You're okay."

530 words

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