Quiet Kid

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Daichi was sitting in the back of the classroom like usual when a random dude came up to him. Now, he isn't saying that the rando man wasn't nice or anything like that, but it was just a surprise to the brunette to have someone just walk up to you and say:

"Hey! Have you seen the way that Ajelia and that new American kid are looking at each other?! I swear this place is about to blow up with how much they're glaring!" The silver haired man said with excitement.

Daichi raised his head that was laying on his desk and stared at the guy expectantly. The student chuckled and waved. "Hi! I'm Sugawara Koushi! But my friends call me Suga!"

"Daichi Sawamura." Daichi muttered back, letting his head fall down limply to its previous place.

Sugawara grinned and crossed his arms, leaning against Daichi's desk. "Cool. You seem nice. Wanna hang out later?"

Daichi's eyes widened and his head lifted again. "Uh- why? I mean, sure and all, but why?"

Sugawara shrugged but glanced backwards towards a man who held a thumbs up with a huge beam. Daichi knew that the other boys name was Asahi, and that Sugawara and Asahi were pretty good friends.

"I don't know... but, uhm, yeah, you seem cool."

Just then, the bell rang and Asahi called out for Sugawara. Suga turned and walked away from Daichi  with a laugh. "Bye Daichi!"

Daichi just sat there for another good minute before realizing that everyone else had already left. 

248 words

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