I Could Be A Better Boyfriend

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Daichi growled as Oikawa pulled Suga into a kiss. Daichi couldn't tear his eyes from the scene playing out before him. Suga's cheeks flushed a bright red, the previous setter smiling gently at the taller man. 

"Oh, please." Daichi murmured under his breath, glaring at anyone who dared to approach the man. "As if he could actually give you something worth taking."

"Woah, what's got you so riled up?" Kuroo, that annoying rooster, asked, popping up to the left of Daichi.

"Nothing." Daichi grumbled, leaning back against the wall. He crossed his arms, his gaze never leaving the happy couple only a dozen feet away from him. 

Kuroo laughed that boisterous laugh of his and slapped Daichi's shoulder. "Stop being so jealous! I swear, I can smell your envy from all the way over there!" Kuroo pointed towards the snack stand that was laid out behind him. 

Daichi suddenly got an idea, and he mused it over to see if it wasn't completely idiotic. Sadly, he found that it might actually work. 

Daichi pushed himself off of the wall and stalked in the direction of the mike. Suggestions were open for the songs played, and Daichi had one in mind. From the corner of his eye, he saw Oikawa grin at Suga before turning around and facing Daichi. Daichi raised an eyebrow as the taller setter quickly caught up with Daichi.

"Don't think I'm too blind to see that you have feelings for Koushi."

Daichi choked. "What?!"

Oikawa cackled, waving his hand around. "Oh my, isn't it obvious? You're lovey dovey eyes are hard to miss. I'm surprised Koushi hasn't noticed it yet!"

Daichi spluttered as he stopped walking. "Oh my God- look, Oikawa, while I do respect your relationship, I believe that - in all honesty - I would be a better partner for Koushi." Oikawa looked at him up and down, and he sighed. "No, I'm not going to be a homewrecker, shut up."

Oikawa smirked, lifting his hands as a sign of peace. "Okay, okay. Whatever you say. And by the way," Oikawa's voice turned serious. "I don't disagree."

It seemed like the room turned absolutely quiet, as if the only people were just the two of them.

"What?" Daichi eventually said, the silence broken by his small voice.

"What indeed." Oikawa responded, whirling around and rushing out the nearest door.

Confusion was written plainly as day on Daichi's face, but he decided to shrug it off and continue with his plan.

He approached Kenma, who was playing on his switch. The smaller man was seated in the DJ chair, and didn't bother to look up when Daichi cleared his throat.

"Hey, Kenma-san. I was wondering if I could request a song?" He asked, and Kenma hummed lowly. "Um, could I request Boyfriend by Dove Cameron. I know that it's American, and that's fine."

The only reason Daichi knew about this song was his older sister. She had moved to America for a little while for college, and when she returned, she had a slot of things she wanted Daichi to listen to. Boyfriend being one of them. Daichi had really liked the melody, so he translated the lyrics and found that he enjoyed the way that Dove Cameron wrote it. 

Kenma nodded, but not before staring at Daichi with something between a questioning and expectant look. 

"Alright." Kenma forced himself out of the chair, and went to the computer that was connected with the speakers. 

He clicked a couple of times, then fell back into his chair, picking his game back up. The song started playing only a few seconds later. 

"I can't believe we're finally alone."

Daichi smiled as the lyrics started. He knew them all by heart, for some odd reason, so the change in language didn't matter much to him.

"I can't believe I almost went home."

Daichi made his way over to where Suga was standing awkwardly, shifting his weight from foot to foot. 

"What are the chances

Everyone's dancing 

But he's not with you"

Suga saw Daichi walking to him, and he waved sweetly. "Daichi! Hey-"

Daichi grasped Suga's wrist, taking note of the breathless gasp that followed. "Hello, Koushi~."

"The universe must have divined this, mhm

What am I supposed to do?

Not grab your wrist?"

Daichi leaned down so he was Suga's height, and he slid his hand up to caress Suga's palm. He was waiting for the beat to drop before making his move. And it paid off.

"I could be a better boyfriend than him."

Daichi sang along with the lyrics, eyes focused on Suga's. Letting him know that every word was pinned on him.

"I could do the shit that he never did."

Suga bit his lower lip, but didn't attempt to pull away.

"Up all night, I won't quit."

At this, Suga's face flushed a pretty pink, and Daichi licked his lips at the sight.

"Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him."

Suga's faint smile fell slightly, and his eyes widened. Daichi swallowed, yet continued.

"I could be such a gentlemen..."

Daichi twirled Suga around and dipped him down. Suga sucked in a breath, and his jaw fell open.


Daichi leaned in so he could whisper in Suga's ear.

"Plus you know my clothes would fit~"

Through the window facing the left corner of the room, Oikawa watched with a small smile.

"Take care of him, Daichi. God knows he deserves it."

And with that last final sentence muttered under his breath, Oikawa turned, and slowly walked back to the one place that would always welcome him.

The rooftop and Iwaizumi's waiting arms.

896 words

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