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WARNING: UMMMM KIDNAPPING??? (does that count as a warning??? IT DOES NOW!!!)

Suga exhaled heavily, running a slim finger through his untidy hair. He had been studying non-stop for 3 hours now. He knew that he would pass, he just wanted to do well. 

A quiet knock sounded at his door, and he groaned. "Come in."

His mother walked in, and she placed her hands on her hips. "What are you doing studying? You haven't come down for dinner, and it's already 11pm!"

Suga's eyes widened. There was no way he had been staring blanking at a textbook for that long! He glanced at the clock resting on his dresser, and he winced. His mother was right: it was 11:08pm. 

He rubbed his eyes, suddenly noticing how exhausted he was. His limbs went limp, and he slouched in his chair. "Yeah, sorry Mom." He smiled, trying to convince himself more than his mother- he knew that she would see right through him anyways. 

She sighed, and walked forward to gently wrap her arms around Suga, and he melted into the warm embrace. After a few seconds, she pulled away to place a tender kiss on his forehead. And this time, he smiled for real.

"Just remember not to overwork yourself." She said with a serious face. She then broke out into a grin. "You're friend Toru does that enough for the both of you!"

Suga laughed, and nodded. Toru did indeed overwork himself way too much. It was a good thing that Iwaizumi was there to make sure he didn't accidentally injure himself. Thinking of the couple made Suga's mood drop slightly. He was happy for them- truly, he was! He just wished that his own feelings were mutual. 

"Okay, I will." He confirmed, and his mother beamed at the response. She walked out of his room, and he bit his bottom lip. It was a bad habit of his. He would bite his lip until it tore and bled. 

Suga shook his head, and close the textbook that was still open in front of him. He pushed his chair away from his desk and ran a hand down his face. He got ready for bed quickly, and collapsed onto the soft mattress. 

Sleep soon took over him, and when he woke, his head was cleared and he felt much better than the night before. 

He stumbled to shut his alarm off, and he started to get ready for school. Pulling his uniform on, he rolled his shoulders back.

A loud whistle, followed by an impressed "Dammmnnnnnn." sounded from Suga's window. He whirled around to see a smirking Nishinoya on top of what looked like Asahi's shoulders. Asahi- being the respectful guy he is- quickly turned his gaze to the ground below him. Nishinoya's smirk just grew as Suga continued to yank on the rest of his clothes. 

This was a morning ritual for them. Asahi and Daichi would show up at Suga's house in the morning so they could all walk to school. Daichi was frequently replaced with Nishinoya, who stuck to his boyfriend like a koala. 

"Get away from my window." Suga demanded, keeping his tone playful but allowing some of his annoyance to seep through. 

Nishinoya pouted, and crossed his arms. "Uh, no! You're late! We've been watching you for the past- what? 5 minutes?"

"2 minutes, Yu." Asahi corrected, and Nishinoya waved. 

"Yeah! Yeah, that one!" He shrugged and licked his lips. "Daichi texted Asa that he wouldn't be able to come today, and he said that he sent you the same text."

Suga hummed, and checked his phone. There was indeed a text from Daichi apologizing that he couldn't make it, sent 18 minutes ago. Suga quickly replied that it was fine.

"Okay. I'll meet you guys at the front door in 7?" Suga asked, and the taller male agreed for the both of them. 

The two left, and Suga went back to his routine. Suddenly, his phone rang. He grabbed it, and noticed it was Daichi's contact showing. He raised his eyebrows, but clicked ACCEPT anyway. 

"Hello? Is this Koushi?" An unfamiliar voice said on the other end of the phone. 

"Umm, yeah? I mean, yes, I am Koushi." Suga answered, puzzlement plastering across his features. "Who are you?"

"I am an ambulance driver. A car accident happened, and this is one of the victims phone. You were the most recent in his contacts, so I called you first." The woman said.

Suga paused, stuttering out a disbelieving laugh. "W-what? Car crash? What happened?!" His voice filled with urgency rapidly, and the woman seemed to not know how to respond. 

"Well, you see, a car hit Sawamura while he was walking to school. Sawamura... broke many bones, and his ribs impaled one of his lungs." She stopped her explanation, and Suga held his breath. "I'm sorry."

I'm sorry...

I'm sorry!


The voice repeated the words in his head, and he didn't even notice that he had dropped the phone. Warm tears streamed down his face.

The clock seemed to stop ticking.

The wind didn't blow.

The birds didn't chirp.

Everything stood still.

And then with a sharp lurch, he fell.



                    And down...

Until he hit the floor.

And with one last final thought, he fell unconscious.

Why him?

The woman on the other side of the call yelled out into the phone, but she already knew what had happened. She grinned, and laughed cruelly, ending the call.

"Well that was easy." 

Muffled cries rang out through the gloomy cell, and she tutted. "Now, now, be quiet or I'll kill your precious little lover boy."

Sitting there, watching the whole act go down, was Daichi, chained to a chair and gagged, silent tears streaming down his face. 

941 words. 

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