Fairy Tale

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"Koushi!" Daichi called out, his eyes not leaving the book laid out in front of him. It seemed like the pages and words were slowly sucking the brunette in and telling him to stay there for all of eternity.

"Yes darling?" Suga answered, poking his head in to watch as Daichi struggled to stand up while keeping his eyes trained on the book. "What do you need?"

Daichi walked over to where Suga was standing, tripping over some of the open books lying around the floor. He came up beside Suga and showed him a certain paragraph.

"What do you think of the way that the author worded his remorse?" Daichi asked wistfully. Most wouldn't assume that the former volleyball captain would love literature and reading this much, but it was a passion of his to figure out every little detail and word that the author had spared him.

Suga laughed, taking the book from Daichi's hands and scanning over the sentences. His eyebrows rose and he hummed lowly. "Huh. Not sure. But I like how he doesn't stop to think about it- or at least, that's what I take away from it since it's almost all dialogue in the next parts."

Daichi nodded, a smile overtaking his features. "That's what I thought. But then again, the way that he speaks and the tone that the author conveys here is also somewhat stern and strict. Like, he's sorry he did it, but he knows that it was the right thing to do at the time."

Suga handed Daichi his book back, and pecked him on the cheek, having to lean up even though Daichi was slouching. "Love you."

Daichi finally looked up from the page, and he hurriedly shoved the bookmark into it's place. Daichi surged forward to initiate a kiss between the two. Suga, who had not seen it coming, gasped and stumbled backwards. Thank God for Daichi's quick reflexes. The slightly younger boy caught Suga and turned the fall into a low dip. 

Color flooded into Suga's cheeks, and he giggled. A sudden reminder that Daichi adored fairy tales crossed his mind, and he smirked as he was shifted in Daichi's arms.  

"My knight in shining armor."

364 words 

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