Love Story

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Suga beamed down at Daichi as the brunette waved up at him. Suga was standing atop a balcony, watching as the party unfolded beneath him. He had met Daichi earlier in the evening and they had quickly hit it off. They both loved volleyball, and had a mutual interest in science.

"Hey Suga." Daichi yelled for the silver haired man, and Suga giggled lightly. "How's the weather up there?"

"It's only 10 feet off the ground!" Suga contradicted with a bright laugh, trying and failing to cover his mouth. "Plus, it's not like you can't just come up here yourself and find out."

Daichi smirked and rushed under to find the stairs to Suga's bedroom, which the balcony was connected to. Daichi ran up the stairs and walked towards Suga, who was looking out at the setting sun. 

Daichi followed his gaze and lost his breath. It was stunning. Daichi's eyes traveled back to Suga, and he gasped. The colors reflected on Suga's skin, making him look like a literal angel. 

Dachi leaned against the metal bar next to Suga and let the shorter male lay his head on Daichi's shoulder. Daichi wrapped a protective arm around Suga's waist and pushed him closer, eliminating any remaining space between them. 

Silence captured the moment until Suga decided to break it. "You do know that my father won't approve of you, right?"

Daichi sighed and nodded solemnly. "Yeah, I know..."

Suga turned so his face was buried in Daichi's chest. "I don't want him to make you leave..." Tears slowly trailed down Suga's cheeks, and Daichi lifted Suga's head to stare at him straight in the eyes. 

"He won't. He can't. I will not let him." Daichi confirmed, and Suga hummed in agreement. 

"I'm not sure if you will have a choice, Daichi."

Daichi grinned smugly. "Well, if I die before we get married, just make sure to come and kill me once again in Hell, darling."

Suga chuckled sadly as Daichi kneeled on the ground and took his right hand. Daichi pressed his lips to it tenderly, and Suga smiled, his expression one of uncontrollable adoration and appreciation. They might have only met a few hours ago, but it felt as if they had known each other for ages. It all already felt natural, as if all they had to do was go along with what the universe planned.

Suga didn't expect the universe to plan Daichi's death so soon. 

Or his own. 

404 words

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