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Suga smiled and clapped his hands together in tune with the song that played around the campfire. A son of Apollo was leading the melody, and a girl from the Demeter cabin was singing. Plants popped up everywhere anytime a word flowed out of her mouth. 

Daichi laughed lightly as a child of Ares soon joined in and started screaming out the lyrics violently. Daichi was a son of Athena, his quick wits and creativity showing that easily. Suga was a little bit more reserved with who his godly parent was. Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty, often having her kids referred to as either "Heart-breakers" or the people who get their hearts broken.

"Well this is new!" Suga exclaimed giddily as a satyr clopped up to take the microphone and harmonize with a nearby nymph. 

Daichi nodded and pushed up his silver rimmed glasses. "Yes, I don't think I've ever seen a satyr or a nymph sing during a campfire before."

Suga giggled and draped himself over Daichi. "Oh come onnnnnn~" He complained. "Why're you so stiff~?"

Daichi just glanced down at Suga before looking back up and completely ignoring the silver haired male. "Your brother is singing."

Suga's body snapped up and he whipped his head around to stare at his brother. Well, technically half-brother, but that didn't matter. 

Lev Haiba stepped up to the mic and bent down to try and see if it could accommodate his above average height. Lev ended up just sighing and yanking the microphone off of its stand and holding it up to his mouth. 

Suga was very ready for the first note to play, as Lev was an incredible singer. 

The song started, and Lev's voice carried throughout the area. Suga leaned his head on Daichi's shoulder and forced his eyes to stay open. 

It didn't work, as a few moments later he was fast asleep on the brunette from the soothing melody. 

Daichi offered a small smile and shifted his weight so he could make both of them comfortable. He ended up holding Suga up by wrapped a arm around his waist.

Daichi pressed a soft kiss to Suga's forehead, his gaze then travelling back to the stage. "Good night, Koushi."

368 words 

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