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"Daichi!" Suga called out, shutting the cabinet door that contained their baking ingredients. "Where's the sugar?!"

Daichi looked up from where he was currently molding dough into cylinders. "Oh, uh, if it's not in there, then I don't know."

Suga let out a frustrated groan, and ran a hand down his face. The recipe he wanted to use required sugar, and all the other ones he had checked out before hand also needed sugar. 

"Okay then. I can run to the grocery store real quick and grab some stuff along with the sugar, or we can do something else." Suga proposed, and Daichi hummed in consideration. 

"Well, I still have around an hours worth of cooking do to, so you have the time. But do you really want to go out?" He glanced out of the open window to his right, and pursed his lips at how dark it was outside. "I don't want something to happen to you."

Suga rolled his eyes and made his way over to Daichi. "Don't worry! I'll be fine." He smirked playfully, punching Daichi in the arm lightly. "Plus, I know how to handle myself if someone tries something."

Daihci sighed. He did know this, he'd been reminded of it often. But he couldn't help the endless senarios playing in his head. Suga getting in a car crash. Suga getting kidnapped. Suga getting rap-

"Stop it!" Suga scolded loudly. Daichi flinched, and met the shorter's eyes. "Stop fretting over it! If it will really make you that stressed, than we can just make a different dish! It's that easy!"

Daichi smiled at his partner and pecked him on the lips. "Thank you, Koshi. Sorry I worried."

Suga blinked, a red blush coating his cheeks. He then grinned and fully kissed Daichi. Daichi let out a noise of surprise, and leaned on the counter he was previously using. Suga eyes were closed, and his arms wrapped around Daichi waist, keeping him from falling. 

Suga pulled away after a second, and bopped Daichi's nose with his own. The latter laughed and looked at the silver haired male with a soft expression. Still only a few centimeters apart, the lovers leaned their foreheads together, contentment settling over both of them. 

Suddenly, Daichi spoke. "You do know I still have my hands in dough, right?"

Suga burst into a fit of giggles, and Daichi soon followed. 

"I love you so much, you stupid, worrying boy."

Daichi pouted, sticking out his bottom lip. "Meanie. Love you too."

And so chaos and baking continued throughout the night. 

419 words

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