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Suga's breath puffed out in short desperate bursts. His left eye burned as it changed to an even darker brown than his natural hazel. 

This was a world where your left eye changed color to match your soulmate when you turned 18. And it was Suga's 18th birthday.

Suga stared into the mirror in front of him with a slack jaw. His left eye wasn't an uncommon color, but Suga knew exactly the way that Daichi's eyes twinkled when he got praised, or when he had a good day and came home to Suga's soft lips. And that was how his left eye was twinkling. 

This was supposed to be a good thing. The two of them had been dating for over 2 years, who wouldn't want their significant other to be their soulmate?

But there was one problem. 

Daichi's own 18th birthday was on December 31, 18 days from today. 

And if Daichi didn't get Suga's color, then it would tear their relationship apart. 

A gentle knock sounded on the bathroom door, and Suga flinched before glancing hesitantly at the door. 

"Koushi, can I come in? I have some pain medication for your eye..." Daichi's words slowly cut off as Suga opened the door quietly. Daichi's gaze softened, and he cupped the side of Suga's face.

"Thanks Dai." Suga murmured, and Daichi nodded, a small smile gracing his features. 

"Your left eye- it looks like mine." Daichi stated, and Suga tensed up at the sentence. Suga swallowed and leaned into Daichi's hand. 

"Yeah, I know." Suga replied, and Daichi's face became bright with a huge grin. 

"That's amazing!" Daichi said excitedly. "Just wait until I get mine, and then we'll be matching soulmates like everyone else!"

Suga forced a smile and nodded along. Daichi immediately noticed this and stopped beaming, his mouth forming a concerned frown. 

"What's wrong, Koushi?" Daichi asked tenderly, and Suga let out a sigh before tugging Daichi into a hug. Daichi let out a sound of surprise, but quickly reciprocated the embrace. Suga buried his face in Daichi's chest and pouted. 

"What if you don't get my color? What if we aren't soulmates?" Suga wondered, his tone somber.

Daichi's eyes widened, and he blinked. A tiny chuckle escaped him. "Koushi, darling, if I don't get your color, then fuck the whole soulmate shit! Because if the universe or whatever the fuck is putting people together as soulmates didn't pair us as a couple, they're already too stupid to do anything but fuck shit up."

Suga laughed at Daichi's abundant use of curse words and let his head rest on Daichi's shoulder. "Yeah, sorry Dai. Don't know what I was thinking!"

Daichi smirked and placed his arms around Suga's waist, holding the older man steady. "I'm not even sure myself, but I think that the main idea is that A: You're insecure, and I am happy to help you feel more loved. And B: The universe can be a dick sometimes."

Suga laughed loudly, and Daichi set them down on the floor carefully. Suga stretched out his legs and cuddled up to Daichi, who was like a personal heater at that point.

"You're incredible." Suga muttered under his breath, barely loud enough for Daichi to hear. "I love you."

Daichi shook his head fondly. "I love you too, Koushi."

545 words

DaiSuga DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now