"You're Welcome, Sawamura Koushi."

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Daichi blinked slowly, light filtering in from the small window to his right. He groaned loudly and laid his head in his hands. Daichi sat up, moving so that his back was against the headrest. 

"Oh- you're awake." An angelic voice said, and Daichi's eyes snapped up to stare at the sight before him.

A gray haired male was standing at a dark wooden door that separated the room Daichi was in to the rest of what seemed to be a house. Bright hazel eyes and a pale complexion. A beauty mark. Long, pretty eyelashes. A vibrant smile.

"Uh- where am I?" Daichi asked as he cleared his throat. The man tilted his head in confusion and huffed out a disbelieving laugh. 

"Dai- what do you mean?" He asked. "You're in our room. In our house. With me, Sawamura Koushi."

Daichi swallowed and opened his mouth, but didn't utter a word. "...What?"

Koushi's breath sped up, and his eyes widened, panic filling them. "Dai- Dai, come on, stop the joke! It's not funny!"

Daichi shook his head. "I- I don't know what you're talking about! And who is this 'Dai'?"

Koushi scrambled away from where Daichi had stood up quickly, and tears gathered in his eyes. "You... you don't even remember your own name? Or mine? Really?"

Daichi bit his lip and slowly inched his way towards Koushi, who looked as if he were a petrified animal backed into a corner. "No- look, I'm sorry, but-"

"Sorry?!" Koushi yelled, throwing his hand out in front of him aggressively. " 'Sorry' won't cut it! What even fucking happened?!"

Daichi didn't know why Koushi cussing terrified him as much as it did, but his breath hitched and all of his instincts told him that he should start apologizing as soon as possible. 

"I- I don't know!" Daichi shouted instead. "I just don't KNOW! So stop asking me as if I know everything! I'm the one who doesn't remember anything!"

Koushi stopped suddenly and stared at Daichi with round, scared eyes. "I'm... sorry. I didn't think of it like that." He ducked his head, guilt evident on his face. "Sorry."

Daichi paused and gulped down a heavy gasp of air. "Sorry- I just need to leave-"

Koushi's head snapped up at the same time his arms wrapped tightly around Daichi's waist. "NO!" He screamed desperately, and Daichi winced at the loud noise directly in his ear. "No, no, you can't go!"

Daichi struggled lightly against Koushi's hold but stopped his motions after a second. He sighed and went pliant in Koushi's hands. "Okay, okay. I'm not going to leave. I promise I won't go."

Koushi went limp in Daichi's reluctant embrace, and Daichi shifted the smaller boy in his arms. "It's okay, it's okay!" Daichi reassured softly. "I'm not going anywhere."

Koushi shivered violently, and Daichi could feel the cold seeping off of Koushi. How did he not notice that before?

Koushi turned in Daichi's hug and forcefully tugged Daichi's arms around his hips, moving so that Daichi's stomach was pressed against Koushi's back. 

"Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you..." Koushi muttered over and over, as if he were chanting to some ancient spirit. 

"You're welcome, Sawamura Koushi."

522 words

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