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Kita sighed, rubbing his right arm violently after the harsh training he just had to endure from his older brother. Suga was usually a kind and sweet person, but when it came to preparing his younger brothers for the world, he wouldn't hold back.

"Hey Shin." Semi said with a small smile on his face. Kita nodded at him and handed him the wooden sword that had fallen to the ground. Semi took it with a determined face and stepped up to Suga.

"Hey Eita. Good job Shinsuke, you did well." Suga complimented Kita, and the younger half brother nodded. Suga stood on top of a raised platform, no weapons on him but his body. 

Suga had started training with his mother in the mafia when he was only six. Semi and Kita had the same mother, so they lived in the same house while Suga was out with his mother running an illegal business. Suga had found them because of volleyball, and he now wanted to make sure that they knew what to do in case they got into Suga's business. 

"Come at me, Koushi." Semi growled as he lowered himself into a fighting stance.

Suga grinned cynically. "Oh no, Eita. You're coming after me."

Daichi walked into the training room Suga was always practicing in and stopped short. Semi was cornered with a wooden sword pressed against his chest. Suga was pushing the sword down on Semi's chest with one hand, and the other one was keeping Semi's legs pinned to the wall. Kita was watching all of it in the other corner of the room, a slightly worried expression on his face.

"What is going on?!" He yelled out in shock, Suga's head snapped around to stare at Daichi with wide eyes. Semi seemed to realize how distracted Suga was and shoved the older male off of him.

Suga stumbled and was caught by Kita. Suga mumbled his thanks and dismissed his two half siblings. Semi and Kita looked at each other and shrugged, starting up a conversation as they headed out of the room. Daichi stormed up to Suga and crossed his arms. 

"Care to explain why you had Semi against a wall with a fucking sword?" Daichi asked, his tone scarily calm.

Suga cringed and rubbed the back of his neck. "It was just preparation." He dropped his hand and pointed an accusing finger at the brunette. "Plus, why are you even at my house in the first place."

Daichi's face burned a bright red, and he looked down. Daichi cleared his throat and swallowed. "Uh... that- that doesn't matter."

Suga raised an eyebrow and lifted Daichi's chin with his middle finger. "Come on, you made me and Eita pause our training, I deserve to know."

Daichi's eyes became the size of saucers and he searched for words. Suddenly Suga retracted his hand and laughed lightly.

"Never mind. I don't want to pressure you. Just make sure that you tell me when the time comes." Suga advised Daichi, and the latter just glanced at the silver haired man before adverting his eyes once more to the floor.

Suga sighed out a chuckle and leaned forward. Daichi saw the movement and went to look up just as Suga pressed his lips to Daichi's cheek. Daichi blinked and then turned pink.

Suga smiled softly and turned around and looked over his shoulder. "Have a nice day, Dai."

Daichi stood there for another solid 6 minutes after Suga left, and when he finally moved, it was to bring his fingers to caress gently at his own cheek. The one that still felt like Suga's lips were kissing it. 

598 words

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