King Vivian

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Prince Sugawara Koushi stepped down delicately from his placement beside his mothers throne. His long robes fell down his shoulders in gentle waves, the gold details making his eye color seem much more vibrant. 

Prince Daichi bowed lowly at the foot of the steps. "Queen Vivian Sugawara, wonderful meeting you!"

Vivian gave an amused smile, and crossed her legs as she leaned back in her throne. "Apologies, Prince Sawamura, but I go by the title of 'King'."

Suga stifled a giggle at his mothers response. She was never one to be criticized or told she couldn't do something, and just seeing his suitor's immediate reaction to her was always entertaining. 

But instead of freaking out like the other royals did, Daichi just grinned. "Of course, I give my sincerest apologies, King Vivian."

Vivian's small curl of her lips became a full blown smirk. Oh yes, this would be the one.

"Now, I'm sure you're already quite familiar with Koushi over here, and if not then introductions will happen. Correct?" Vivian recounted, and Daichi nodded. 

"Absolutely, but I assure you that Prince Koushi and I are fully aware of each other." Daichi replied, his words flowing out smoothly and with purpose. 

Koushi felt his face heat up at his mothers quick glance to him for confirmation. Koushi dipped his head down low, and Vivian cackled.

"Well, that's great then!" She laughed loudly, clapping her hands together. "Now, when's the wedding?"

Koushi turned bright red, and Prince Daichi choked lightly. "Uh- I'm sorry-?"

Vivian giggled excitedly, covering her mouth with her hand. "Oh, you know each other apparently, and our two Kingdoms need an alliance. So a marriage between the two of you would work perfectly! That is, if Queen Halina approves."

Daichi nodded, dumbfounded. "Yes, my mother was thinking that a marriage would be what she would prefer."

King Vivian settled back into her chair and smile satifiedly. "Well that's good! Now, whose last name will you be taking?" Both Princes blinked at that question, and King Vivian threw her hands up in exasperation. "Koushi Sawamura or Daichi Sugawara?! Just pick one!"

Prince Koushi finally spoke for the first time, his voice soft and low. "I am not against the idea of Daichi Sugawara."

Pink bloomed across Daichi's cheeks, and the visiting Prince rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yes, I quite like that one as well..."

Vivian rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers. Her hand maid came scurrying out from behind a curtain, a tray of expensive and rare food plated on it decoratively. She picked one of the dishes up with her fingers and plopped it in her mouth, barely being able to swallow it correctly as Daichi gaped at her almost non-existent manners. 

Suga shook his head and sighed as he used a fork that was placed on the side of the tray to pick up his own dish. He ate it and hummed his approval, motioning vaguely at Daichi. The hand maid scrambled down to present the tray to Prince Daichi, and the brunette took one with the other fork gratefully.

"Thank you." He said, and she smiled hurriedly before running back in the direction of the kitchen, the now empty tray bouncing with her long stride. 

Vivian waited for both of the boys to be finished eating before sitting up straight in her chair and staring intently at Daichi. "Now, about the political matter of this marriage and of the reason that you are here in the first place- assuming that you didn't come here to propose to my son?"

Daichi shook his head. "No, I didn't have any plans on publicly proposing to Prince Koushi. I instead had the idea to come here for the news on your supplies."

Suga spaced out as his mother and his secret boyfrie- fiance, now- discussed random trade issues and how to solve them. This all felt slightly surreal to him. Did his mother really just figure out that they were secretly dating within the first 3 minutes of meeting Prince Daichi?! Were they that obvious? Did that mean that other Kingdoms already knew about them?!

Suga thought about it for a while. Did Daichi think of their uncommon relationship as mutual dating, or just as something he politically had to do for his country? The assumptions floated around in his mind like a shark hunting down a bleeding fish in the middle of the ocean.

"Koushi?" King Vivian's voice echoed throughout Suga's minefield of a brain, and barely made it past his first line of bombs before being ignored. 

"Uhm..." Daichi shifted awkwardly and bit his lip. "Koushi? Are you okay?"

Suga's eyes came back into focus, and he stared at the two of them for a second before remembering he was asked a question. "OH! Oh, yes, yes, I'm perfectly fine!"

Vivian scoffed and rolled her eyes once more as she stood up. "Okay, well, either way, thank you for this meeting, Prince Daichi. It was wonderful meeting my future son-in-law."

With that, King Vivian turned and strutted out of the throne room. 

Daichi's jaw fell open, and Suga smiled, stepping down the stairs to be right in front of Daichi. "Yes, she is quite a riot."

Daichi's eyes widened, and he put his hands up in a "don't kill me please" way that made Suga giggle. "No! No- that- that's not what I was thinking!"

Suga smirked and laid a warm hand on Daichi's forearm, bringing it down gently. "Sure you weren't, sure you weren't."

Daichi's face softened, and he surged forward to pull Suga in for a kiss. When they separated, Daichi rested his head on Suga's, eyes lovingly looking into the others. 

"But really, when is that wedding?!" Vivian's voice split open the moment, and the two Prince's jumped apart, flushing at the King's amused laughter. 

953 words

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