That One Alien AU Where You Could Ship KuroDaiSuga

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Suga was confused even before he got abducted by aliens. 

Okay, let's back track a bit. 

Suga was walking through the woods that were laid out behind his house, when he stumbled over an unusually large tree root. Thinking nothing of it, Suga carried on. 

That was a major mistake. 

The tree root wrapped around Suga's ankle as he tried to walk away. Suga felt the limb tugging at his foot, and he turned to let out a scream at the sight before him.

"HOLY MOTHER OF-!" He shrieked, falling down onto his side. He scrambled in the opposite direction of the tree, but was held in place by more vines connecting to his arms and torso. 

He struggled to loosen any of the rope like roots, but at the end he couldn't move at all.

"Well, would you look at that." A rich, deep voice called out, the accent something Suga had never heard. "Seems like we just caught our first human!"

"Move over, Kuroo." Another person- thing- said, and the first voice let out a sigh of frustration.

Then Suga was being lifted onto someone's shoulder, and he could see somebody behind him. 

Dark brown hair, chocolate eyes, tan skin. All of these details flooded into Suga's brain in an instant. Suga blinked, and he noticed that he was on a black haired man's shoulder. 

His senses came back to him, and he started to thrash. "Let GO of me!" He yelled, and the brown haired male walked up to him. He pulled Suga's hair up, his grip not as harsh as Suga would have expected, and he leaned in close to Suga's face.

"Stop moving. You'll hurt yourself and Kuroo."

Right, Suga was being carried by Kuroo. Whoever the fuck that was.

"I. Don't. CARE!" Suga shouted, continuing to flail about. Kuroo shifted him on his shoulder and slapped his inner thigh. "Ow! What the fuck?!"

Kuroo probably shouldn't have done that.

Because Suga kicked him in the balls. Hard.

"Shit!" Kuroo cursed, throwing Suga back at the brunette, who caught the human with ease. "We shouldn't even fucking bother with that one at this point! They'll just cause trouble!"

"Yes." Suga responded, growling lowly. "Yes I will."

The person carrying Suga groaned and heaved Suga up into his arms, bridal style. Suga flushed a light pink at the position, and he squirmed around. 

"Stop moving." The man repeated, and Suga actually complied this time. "There you go. Now, tell us your name."

Suga immediately shut his mouth, an obvious sign that he wasn't going to tell them.

"Tell me now, or you get called 'Dog' for the rest of the time." 

Suga opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again. "Okay, geez, fine. Call me Suga."

Suga crossed his arms and stared expectantly at his brown eyed captor. After a second, he raised an eyebrow. "Well? Aren't you going to tell me your name? I mean, I know that idiot's Kuroo, but what about you?"

Kuroo let out an indiginant huff at the insult, and Suga could almost see the pout that would be gracing Kuroo's lips. He smiled slightly at the thought.

"Daichi." Was the only reply that Suga got. 

"Daichi." Suga echoed, his eyes widening in child-like interest. "Okay. I can work with Daichi."

536 words

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