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Silent tears ran down his face. He didn't sob, or cry out. How could he? He didn't even know how he was able to stand. It was probably his mother, who had her arm wrapped around his torso so he wouldn't fall down. His eyes were bloodshot, and he frequently had to wipe away tears that continued to endlessly stream down his cheeks. 

Watching his own lifeless body being pushed and manipulated into a small casket that was buried underground was more depressing than he thought it would be. But, the good thing was he was with Daichi once again. 

Daichi walked slowly from where he had previously stood to press a gentle kiss to Suga's forehead. It was still weird to him, how he passed right through living being, but other souls could touch him like regular. Suga smiled, and his mother patted his arm before turning around and heading in the opposite direction as the two lovers.

"So," Daichi said. "Does it feel strange to see your old body being buried?"

Suga nodded. His 39 year old body looked different than the vessel he had currently taken. His 23 year old self was the time when things were going the best for him, so that was the stage his soul had made. Daichi's own vessel was at 25, a year before he died. 

The reminder of the late nights he stayed up crying, pleading, begging to anyone out there for him to be with Daichi again filled Suga's mind, and he shook his head quickly, as if to physically shake the thoughts out of his brain.

"Oh, yes. And I'm still getting used to the whole ghost thing." Suga replied after a second, wiping the last of his tears on his palm. Daichi grabbed it, and pressed his mouth to each of the shorter males knuckles. 

Suga flushed a light pink and smiled sincerely. He yanked Daichi into a tight hug, and relished in the warmth he provided. Suga dug his head in Daichi's chest, and the latter chuckled, nuzzling his own face into Suga's hair. 

"Ready?" Daichi asked when the people that had participated in Suga's funeral left. 

Suga pulled away slowly and swallowed. "Yeah. Yeah, I think I am."

So the two stared at the setting sun. Daichi eventually started walking towards it, and Suga followed, until they reached the end of their journey. Together. 

397 words

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