Loving Me

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"People have been saying that they are physically becoming the one person they love the most- CUT THE CAMERAS!"  The voice of the news reporter shouted as she became yet another person to transform into their loved one.

Daichi sighed as the TV clicked off, and he shrugged on a jacket. He toed his shoes on and he walked out the front door. He had already heard much about this from Kuroo and Bokuto turning into Kenma and Akaashi respectively. He was waiting to be turned into Suga, since he already knew that's who he would turn into.

And as if the universe was listening in on Daichi's thoughts, a puff of black smoke floated into the air and BAM! He was in the body of Sugawara Koushi.

Now, if you asked him who he thought Suga was going to turn into, he would've said something that would probably confuse you.

"He won't."

"What do you mean?"

"He'll stay in his own form, he loves himself more than anyone else."

And if you were to ask why Daichi was being so rude, he would laugh and wave you off.

"It's not an insult. It's honestly one of the things I love about him most. He's not above himself to put self care first, but he's still modest enough to help others."

And Daichi's assumptions were found out to be correct. When he went over to the Sugawara household, he was greeted by Suga himself. Still in his own body.

Daichi smirked and raised an eyebrow at the man in front of him. "Hello."

Suga beamed, that contagious ass smile that could turn a villain into a hero in a second. "Hey, Dai." And Daichi briefly wondered how Suga knew that it was him, but he shrugged it off. 

"I see you haven't changed one bit." Daichi commented offhandedly, making Suga choke.

Suga cleared his throat and straightened his spine. "Um, yes. I always try to hold my myself or my family members in the highest of regards."

Daichi rolled his eyes and leaned forward just enough so his breath ghosted the others plump lips.

"Oh darling, you know what I'm talking about."

Suga shivered and grinned at the feeling of being caged, even if it was by a picture perfect copy of him. "Yes, I do know."

"Then show me."

And just like that, Suga's body changed into Daichi's.

383 words

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