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"Koushi! Darling, I haven't seen you since your high school days!" Suga's aunt cooed, clasping her hands together. Her English had such a thick British accent from how much time she spent living in London.

Suga laughed lightly, allowing her to kiss his cheek. "Hello, Aunt Komini! How was your time in London?" His English was barely distinguishable, but it would do for now.

Komini chuckled, tugging her nephew into a hug. "It was amazing! I met this wonderful lady- Lilian- and she is just the sweetest thing! I adore her!"

Suga raised an eyebrow, but didn't comment further. "That does sound quite interesting."

Komini waved her hand. "Oh, no! Let's talk about you! Have you gotten a boyfriend yet?"

Suga flushed red, and buried his face in his hands. "I- yes." He answered simply.

Komini clapped her hands excitedly and squealed. "Oh my Hera! That's amazing! What's his name?!"

"D-Daichi..." Suga murmured, and Komini gasped.

"You mean that really sweet boy that you always brought around when I visited because he was so good at English and he could help you translate?! Oh my gosh I absolutely love him!"

Suga laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck, bringing his cup of coffee up to his mouth.

Komini had insisted that they meet in a tiny cat cafe with a small coffee bar. A white and caramel calico currently rubbed against Suga's calf, and he leaned down to scratch at its ears. 

"Sooooo..." Komini nudged Suga's shoulder and stared at him expectantly. "When did you get together?!"

Suga swallowed, and picked up the calico cat, her collar reading Jewel. He nuzzled into her fur as an excuse not to answer. Komini was having none of it.

"Come on! I always tell you when your poor Aunt gets a new girlfriend!" Komini chided. 

Suga lifted his head and sighed, letting Jewel settle on his lap. "We've been dating for around 11 months. By the way, I think I'm going to adopt this one. Let me make a call real quick."

Komini slowly closed her mouth in wonder and she cackled as Suga fished out his phone. He scrolled through to a name that read: 🥰😍Baby😍🥰

Suga clicked on it and held it to his ear as it rang. The ringing suddenly ended and a familiar voice answered the call.

"Koushi! How are you? How's Komini-kun?!" Daichi immediately asked in rapid fire.

Suga giggled. "Dai! I'm fine! Aunt Komini is doing great, am I right, Aunt Komini?" Suga handed the phone to Komini, who listened closely through the speaker, confusion written all across her face.

"Darling, I don't speak Japanese!" She reminded the two of them, and Suga face palmed at his own stupidness.

He took the phone back and spoke."Yeah- uh- I forgot that she can't speak Japanese, apologies about that. Um, yeah! It's going amazing, and I want to adopt this cat called Jewel- she's such a sweetheart! But I know that we don't have a ton of space in our apartment, so I won't pressure you or anything!"

On the other side of the call, Daichi blinked. "Koushi- slow down. I only got around half of that. Komini-kun is doing good, and we want to adopt a cat??? Okay, I guess-"

"REALLY?!" Suga screeched, a twinkle set into his eyes.

Daichi chuckled. "I mean, sure. Why not? The apartment isn't that small, and I would like some company when I have home days for work."

Suga squealed and Jewel meowed, as if she knew what had just transpired. "Okay, thanks Dai! Love you!"

"Love ya too, Koushi." Daichi's warm voice faded as the call ended. 

"What just happened?" Komini asked, her arms crossed over her chest.

Suga grinned. "I'm about to adopt a cat."

605 words 

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