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"Sugawara Koushi!" Suga flinched and lowered his head. "What have you done?!"

Suga's hands clenched into fists and he held back his tears. "It's not my fault! I didn't mean to!"

The sound of breaking glass echoed around the room. The shards appeared on the floor next to Suga's feet, and he bent down to start picking them up. The sharp edges cut into his skin since he had nothing to protect his hands, but he didn't dare complain as he cleaned up his fathers mess. 

"See?!" Suga's father yelled. "You can't even clean correctly! You dumb motherfucker!"

Hot tears built up around Suga's eyes, and he bit his lip hard enough to draw a bead of blood. He swiped his tongue over it, the metallic taste too familiar for Suga's comfort. 

Suga's father let out a growl of annoyance and slammed the door shut as he stormed out. Suga crumpled to his knees, the left over glass shards digging in and cutting his skin. Sobs rang out loudly in the otherwise empty space. 

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. 

"YOU BETTER GET THAT!" Suga's father demanded, and Suga winced as he forced himself up. He stumbled to the front door, cradling his left arm close to his chest. The limb was torn up, blood pooling from the multiple wounds. 

Suga messily wrapped it up with some random fabric, tying it quickly. He opened the front door and was immediately surprised at who he saw. 

"D-Daichi?" He whispered softly, his voice hoarse and broken, eyes probably red from the crying. Daichi stood in front of him with flowers in his hand, dressed for a date. 

That's when Suga remembered that they had planned a date that evening. He ran a hand down his face and leaned heavily on the door frame. "I- I am so sorry, Dai. I don't think that I can-"

The flowers dropped to the ground as Suga's legs finally gave out and he tumbled to the floor. Daichi lunged to catch him, and he managed to soften the fall.  "Oh my God... What happened to you?!"

Suga laughed, but ended up coughing up blood. "Just a little bit of abuse, you know... Nothing too bad though."

Daichi shook his head and lifted Suga into his arms bridal style. "Okay, I'm taking you to the hospital!"

Suga writhed in his boyfriends grip. "NO! NO NO NO! PLEASE!"

Daichi shifted Suga and pressed a gentle kiss to Suga's cheek. "Okay, okay. I'll just take you back to my house, okay?"

Suga nodded, letting out a sigh. He went limp in Daichi's warm grasp, the last thing he remembered before blacking out was being held tenderly as stinging pain zipped across his skin. 

453 words

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