My Photograph

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Suga smiled as Daichi's head whirled around, surprise etched into his face. He had been staring out a window, sitting with his legs tucked under him. The orange hue from the sunset made Daichi look even more ethereal to Suga. He was now very glad he had thought to take a picture of that enchanted moment, even if it only lasted for a second.

Suga quickly placed the photo face down on a nearby desk as he jumped onto another one. Daichi didn't seem to see this and had his gaze trained on the camera in Suga's grasp.

Daichi scrambled out of his position and lunged towards Suga's camera, who just used his extra height from where he was standing on top of a desk. Suga laughed brightly as he held his camera out of Daichi's reach, watching the brunette pout and stomp back to their previous spot.

No words were said as Daichi sat back down at the edge of the desk, crossing his legs and throwing his head over his right shoulder to go look at the sunset once again. 


This time, Daichi didn't flinch from the sound, he just stayed still, waiting for something.

Suga knew what he was waiting for, and as he sat the new photo and camera down right beside the first one. He slowly headed to Daichi, and the captain only met his eyes when Suga grabbed his chin and forced him to look at the setter. 

"God, you're so pretty." Suga murmured before he leaned in and captured Daichi's rough lips in a gentle kiss, the contrasting elements only making it so much more appealing. 

Daichi hummed in satisfaction as Suga pulled away, placing their foreheads together and holding hands. Suga was standing in between Daichi's now open legs and had one arm wrapped around the brown haired man's waist while the other one was intertwined with Daichi's.

"How do you think it'll turn out?" Daichi asked, a hint of that needless insecurity that he always had early into their relationship. 

Suga smiled softly. "Wonderful, I'm sure."

Suga straightened up, leaving Daichi in the process, but finally being able to fully take in what he was looking at.

And goddamn, it was a sight to see.

Daichi's button up short sleeve shirt showed off his arms nicely, and his shorts shamelessly flaunted Daichi's thighs. The male's hair was styled in a way that made it seem like it wasn't even touched, and his muscles

Suga could stare at him all day. Stare at this gorgeous piece of artwork. 

Because, to Suga, that's what Daichi was. His Mona Lisa, his painting, his life. HIS.

And he wouldn't let anyone else see what belonged to him. The world could never know, for they would just tear Daichi away from Suga like a flower plucked from its garden. Soon to die...

Suga shook his head and beamed at Daichi as the younger asked about something to do with photographing animals, but he wasn't really paying attention.

What he was paying attention to, was the presence of someone he would never welcome, even without Daichi sitting right in front of him.

Terushima Yuuji, eyes watched silently from out the window. 

517 words

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