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"Suga, do I really have to?" Asahi whined, his eyes flickering nervously from one spot of the room to another. 

"Yes!" Suga said exasperatedly. "Of course you do! You can't just not confess to him!"

They were discussing the topic of Asahi's crazy crush on a certain libero. Asahi was trying to confess his feelings, but with all of Nishinoya's simping for Kiyoko, he was scared to. 

"I- I just don't think that Noya likes me like that!" Asahi admitted, his tone saddened. 

Suga punched at Asahi's side. "Negativity, begone!" He straightened, placing his hands on his hips. "And he totally does. Did you not see his screen background?"

Asahi shook his head. "I've only seen his lock screen, which is a picture of him and Tanaka."

Suga sighed dramatically. "Not that wallpaper, his home screen!" He waited for Asahi to say something, but the taller just stood there, confusion written all over his face. "It's YOU you dumbass!"

Realization dawned on his face, and he flushed a bright red. "M-me?!" Asahi pointed his finger at himself, and moved his mouth, not finding the right words. 

Suga rolled his eyes. "Oh my God- whatever! Now you know that you need to confess! Plus, it was pretty much the same way before me and Daichi got together. I adored him (and still do), and he was too damn dense to figure it out! So, of course, I had to go up to him and tell him first! Like, Dai, I love you, but how thick are you?!-"

Asahi lightly tapped Suga's shoulder, and he stopped his rambling and stared expectantly at the other man. Asahi gestured to behind Suga, and he whirled around to find Daichi leaning against the school wall, his arms crossed over his chest. He had a sly smirk planted on his lips, and an eyebrow raised. 

Suga blushed pink, and beamed at his boyfriend. "Oh, hey Dai! We were just talking about how Asahi should confess to Noya!"

Daichi laughed, pushing off of the wall and walking towards his boyfriend. "You sure about that? Cause what I heard was just you going on a rant," he paused. "About how dense I am? Did I misunderstand the conversation?"

Suga swallowed, and glanced at Asahi, who shrugged and backed away. Suga's head was forcefully turned back to look at Daichi, who's pointer finger lifted Suga's chin up. Daichi leaned down to press a quick kiss to Suga's mouth, and when he pulled away, Suga's eyes were as wide as saucers. 

"I- I, uhm-" He stuttered pathetically, and Daichi chuckled. 

"Love you too." He murmured in his ear, before releasing Suga's chin and walking away.

Suga closed his still open mouth, and cleared his throat. He rubbed the back of his neck, and twirled to look back at Asahi, who had respectfully looked away throughout the whole ordeal. 

"So, back to the conversation at hand." Suga started, and Asahi giggled softly into his hand. Glaring at Asahi, Suga straightened out the new wrinkles that had appeared on his shirt. 

Suga gazed at Daichi's reseeding figure one more time, and smiled to himself. 

Oh, God, I love that boy.

521 words 

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