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"Mr. Sugawara? Where are you from?" A small blond boy asked, his big blue eyes staring at Suga's. 

Suga laughed, bending down to the 6 year old's height. "Oh, well, I'm from Japan, Kyle!"

Kyle's jaw fell on the floor, and he stared up at his teacher in wonder. "Really?! Where is it?! Can I go?!"

Suga smiled softly at the kids ambition. They always dreamed big when they were young, but those dreams always get crushed. "Of course you can! Just not right now! You have some homework to do!"

Kyle pouted, but did as he was told, walking back to his table, where the other children immediately pulled him into a conversation. Suga watched the scene with gentle eyes, and he reminded himself that it was moments like these that he moved to America for. 

He sighed, remembering what it was like not to have a care in the world, dancing through life with Daichi. Suga had to leave his boyfriend behind when he moved to America, since Daichi wanted to stay in Japan. They didn't break up, of course not! They just decided to try and make the long distance a little more bearable with constant FaceTimes and texts throughout the nights, and whenever they could squeeze in time with their rough schedules. 

"Mr. Sugawara! The phones ringing!" A young girl named Katelyn said, snapping Suga out of his thoughts. His phone was indeed ringing, and he rushed over to answer it. He never got calls during working hours.

"Hello, this is Su-Koushi Sugawara!" He said, cringing at how he always messes up with how people say their name in English. "How can I help you?"

"Hello Koushi." A familiar voice rang through the call in such a familiar language, and Suga almost dropped the phone. "Sorry if I interrupted your work, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be there soon."

Suga's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, and he gulped. "Uh, Dai, what do you mean?"

Daichi laughed. "I know we haven't seen each other in person for a while now, and I wanted to surprise you, so I'm traveling to Montana so I can visit you!"

Suga's jaw dropped, and he covered his face with his hands. "Oh my God- thank you! I'll see you in-?"

"3 hours." Daichi answered. "See you soon. Bye, Love."

Daichi hung up, and Suga giggled slightly. He was so delighted he hadn't even realized that he had switched over to Japanese in front of the class. 

"Woah! You can speak another language!" Hailey shouted, and she smacked her hands against her cheeks. 

Suga gave a startled chuckle, making sure that he spoke in English this time. "Oh! Yes, yes I can!"

The class filled with "Wow"s and "Ooh"s. Suga grinned and clapped. "Now, get back to work everyone! We don't want to do schoolwork at home, now do we?"

"No Mr. Sugawara!" Chorused around the room, and Suga nodded, silently wishing for the rest of the day to go by quickly. 

Soon, Suga's day ended. He pulled on his jacket and headed outside to catch the bus he rode back to his apartment every day. He practically was jumping for joy when he reached his apartment. He knew that Daichi would be there, since they knew each others addresses like the back of their hand. 

He slipped his key out from his back pocket and inserted it quickly, the motions rushed and frantic like. When he finally got the door unlocked at open, he barged into the living area. Daichi was sitting on his small couch, scrolling through his phone. A suitcase rested by the bedrooms door, and Suga grinned. 

"Daichi!" He exclaimed excitedly, the name almost sounding wrong in English. Daichi looked up from his phone and indicated his mouth, a large beam taking up the males face. Realization dawned on him, and he laughed awkwardly, shifting to his first language. "Dai! How are you?"

Daichi stood up, walking to help Suga shrug his coat off. February chill raked through his body, and Suga remembered to turn and slam the door shut, locking it.

"I'm doing great, Koushi." The way Daichi said his name made Suga's knees go weak. "How about you? I know how stressful work can be sometimes."

Daichi leaned in to wrap his arms around the shorter and press a tiny peck to Suga's neck, the latter's cheeks burning a bright red at the gesture. "It's honestly going well. But it's all better now you're here." A sincere smile made its way across Suga's features, and Daichi marveled at the amazing man in front of him. 

Daichi tugged at Suga's waist, heading for the bedroom, and Suga smirked mischievously. "Oooh, someones missed me." Daichi rolled his eyes, but didn't protest, making Suga snicker. 

"Shut up." Daichi grumbled, fumbling with door. He got it open and shoved Suga inside, the silver haired male giggling. "I just need physical contact, okay?"

"You won't see me complaining." Suga said, plopping down on the sheets. He dragged Daichi down with him onto the bed, and Daichi hesitantly pulled the smaller into a sideways hug. 

Spooning had always been the two's personal favorite, knowing that the other is right next to you, holding you steady no matter what really settled with the boyfriends. They often switched positions, but Suga was the little spoon now. 

Daichi nuzzled his face into the crook between Suga's neck and his shoulder. Suga intertwined their fingers together, their hands laying on top of Suga's stomach. Daichi stared at Suga for what seemed like forever, but never enough. Suga found himself thinking of when the two confessed, and chuckled at the mere thought of it. 

"What're you laughing about?" Daichi asked, littering kisses all throughout Suga's nape. 

"What, can't I just laugh?" Suga pouted, almost immediately brightening again. "I was thinking about when we confessed. It was so awkward, but really cute too!"

Daichi laughed, lifting his free hand to run through Suga's hair. "I know, Love."

Suga felt warmth encompass him at the soft and sweet tone of his boyfriends voice. He smiled widely and leaned into Daichi's palm. "I love you."

"I love you too, Koushi."

1016 words 

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