"Daddy? What's Wrong With Papa?"

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"Daddy! Daddy!" Himoki called out, her little arms waving in front of her. 

Koushi laughed and picked up the 4 year old, holding her against his hip. "Yes, Himoki?" She was practically buzzing with energy. 

"When are we leaving?! I wanna see Uncle Asahi and Uncle Yuu!" Himoki whined loudly.

Koushi smiled at his daughter. "Don't worry! We're gonna leave as soon as your Papa will come out of the bedroom, okay?"

Himoki fidgeted, and squirmed in Koushi's arms. "How long is he going to taaaaake?" She complained, and Koushi giggled, putting her down.

"Well, if you promise to stay here for a second, I'll go check on him!" Koushi said, and Himoki nodded frantically in agreement. 

Koushi shook his head as he knocked on the door that lead to his and Daichi's bedroom. "Darling? You in there?"

When no response came back, Koushi slowly opened the door. He found Daichi coughing violently with his hand over his mouth. 

"Dai!? What happened?!" Koushi asked worriedly, rushing to Daichi's side. He rubbed circles over Daichi's back and rested his hand on Daichi's forearm. 

Daichi waved his hand nonchalantly, despite flinching at the action. "Don't worry about it Koushi. I'm fine."

Koushi huffed at his husband, knowing that he wouldn't admit to anything without lots of persuasion. "Dai, you're coughing up Goddamn blood! That's not a good thing!"

Daichi winced and leaned into Koushi's chest. "Koushi- I swear, I'm okay. Stop freaking out."

"I'm sorry, but I'm being more calm than you would be! I haven't called the ambulance yet, have I?" Koushi remarked, his teasing tone dying a bit when he saw Daichi's heavy breathing. "Really though, what happened?"

"That's what I'm asking myself." Daichi answered through gritted teeth, cursing afterwards from a sharp stab of pain in his chest. 

Koushi nodded. "Okay, okay! This is fine, this is fine, this is fine! Let me just- call the ambulance real quick, yep yep yep!" Daichi gripped at Koushi's bicep with his free hand.

"Stop panicking!" He demanded hoarsely, right when Himoki walked in.

"Daddy? Papa? What's going on?" She asked innocently, fiddling with the hem of her shirt. 

Koushi let out a heavy exhale and stood up, grabbing his phone from his back pocket. He quickly dialed the nearest hosipital, and waited for them to pick up.

"Hello, how can I-" The person on the other end started, before being interrupted by Koushi.

"I need to get my husband into the hospital as soon as possible!" He said, and the person cleared their throat.

"Um, okay? Any particular reason?-"

"Yes, he's coughing up blood, and from what I can see," Koushi risked a fleeting glance at Daichi to see him clutching his chest, Himoki curled up beside him. "He's having trouble breathing and chest pain."

The woman sighed and the click of a keyboard was heard. "Name please?"

"Daichi! Sawamura Daichi!" Koushi told her, leaning down to wrap his arm around Daichi's waist to try and help him stand. Daichi's knees buckled slightly, but Koushi caught him. Daichi gripped at Koushi's left shoulder and  put almost all of his weight onto the silver haired male. 

"Okay, I have you logged in. When will you be here?"

"About 4 minutes!" Suga answered, and Himoki tugged on his pant leg.

"Daddy, what's wrong with Papa?" Her big brown doe eyes looked up at him with worry.

"I don't know, Himoki." Koushi sighed, continuing to act as Daichi's crutch while they slowly made their way to their car. "Get in the back seat, okay?"

Himoki nodded and opened the car door, jumping into her seat. Koushi let Daichi slide into the passenger seat and he buckled his seat belt. Koushi ran to the drivers side, and started the car. 

He gazed at Daichi for one more second, then buckled his own seat belt, grasping at the steering wheel.

Oh, Daichi, please be okay.

629 words 

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