Transgender Suga (FtM)

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"Suga!" Daichi called out, knocking on the silver haired setter's door. 

"Gimme a sec!" Suga shouted back, scrambling all over the place. He was trying to find his binder, which he somehow lost. How, don't ask me.

After a minute, Suga huffed and opened the door. He wore a baggy sweatshirt over his sports bra. "God, I can't believe I couldn't find it." He mumbled angrily before smiling widely and hugging Daichi.

"Dai! Sorry I took so long! I was trying to find my binder and then-" Daichi silently interrupted Suga by holding up a bag in his hands. He had a sheepish look on his face, and it was now obvious that Daichi had taken Suga's binder.

"Daichi Sawamura!" Suga gasped. "Why in the name of hell did you take my binder?! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!"

Daichi rubbed the back of his neck and grinned. "But Suga, you shouldn't have been wearing it as much as you were! You could've hurt your ribs, or your lungs!"

Suga sighed and placed his hand on his forehead. "Oh my gosh... okay, fine!" He finally complied. "I won't kill you- for now."

Daichi laughed awkwardly and handed Suga the bag, which his boyfriend threw onto his bed. "Sorry."

Suga rolled his eyes and pecked Daichi on the cheek. "You're fine. You had a good enough intention and I know you aren't a complete douchebag like SOMEONE I KNOW!"

"SHUT UP KOUSHI!" A faint voice shouted back, and Daichi chuckled at how chaotic Suga's relationship with his younger brother was. 

Daichi stole the smug smirk off of Suga's face as he leaned in for a quick kiss to press against the slightly older boy's mouth. Suga let out a sound of surprise, but swiftly wrapped his arms around Daichi's neck.

When Suga pulled away, a small smile was tugging at his lips. Daichi almost cooed out loud at how adorable his boyfriend looked. Yet, instead he jerked Suga down into his arms, and he enveloped the shorter in a warm embrace.

329 words

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