I Thought This Time Was Different

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Suga stared after Daichi, his eyes filled with tears.

Why...?  He thought, his gaze locked onto his hands. They were interlocked with Kuroo's. 

Why did the one thing that made him want to stay alive have to leave him?

Suga laughed and shook his head in disbelief. What was he thinking? Of course Daichi wasn't going to stick around! Nobody ever did, and nobody ever would. 

"I'm guessing you're going through the same thing I am." A voice sounded from beside Suga, and he jumped as he recognized it as  Inarizaki's setter, Miya Astumu. 

Atsumu's own eyes were locked on a sweet scene between Ushijima and Sakusa. Jealousy was slowly enveloping both setters, and they knew it.

"Good guess..." Suga said softly, not much emotion other than slight sadness in his words.

Atsumu turned to grab Suga's hands in his own. "Don't worry, Koushi. One day, that'll be us, and everyone else won't matter."

Suga's unshod tears finally spilled down his cheeks, and Atsumu wiped them away, ignoring his own tears. "Thank you, Miya Atsumu."

Atsumu smiled sorrowfully, pulling Suga into an embrace. "Only for you, Sugawara Koushi."

192 words

(yes you can ship this if you want to)

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