C1P6 - Affectionate *reworked*

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I've been let out of the principle's office.

Amazingly, given the damage to all the paperwork, the principle just lets me and Dusk off with a very stern warning. That salivary kind of yelling, with a fat finger up in your face.

Couldn't care less. All in the past - heh, just like some of that coffee mug should be. And I'm smiling as I'm walking down these barren hallways, because I've gotten away with it.

The wolf is smiling when he comes out next. His however, he's trying not to show. I think he's aware of this school's hatred of things wolfish. Maybe he's just trying not to be smug.

He nods at me as he walks the other way, and I shift my feet to make his direction into my one. I talk with him about what just happened. He's eager on apologising, something on 'not taking my side'. I couldn't care less - I understand what Mike can be like. If anything, I'm just fond for talking with him. He's a nice view. His smile is like cookie dough to my pupil-mouths. He smells of coffee, but not in the spilled sense - he's just got this 'expresso'ness about him.

The school bell has rung out ages ago. It was an amazingly long time that we were trapped in that muggy little office, because now half the furs in this school are either waiting for their parents to pick them up or walking down the street in groups. Chatting away of the mundane school day, eager to smoke something.

The other half usually just litter themselves around here these hallways, gradually assembling themselves into study groups that take on extra - self managed - classes. Some girls are scattered around these hallways now, trying to keep on top of homework-mountains with no peaks. The classes usually run as late as sundown.

Sometimes I come to these, usually due to some rare productive spout. It was math's the other day, when Mike had licked me up and down in the boy's bathrooms. I wonder what class Dusk had gone to that night. Maybe a science or something. Regardless, its funny sounding but I'm glad that he's behind on whatever that subject had been. Gave me the chance to meet him, however desperate it has been.

Speaking of desperate, speaking of Mike.

The lion's off into the other direction, and I'm watching him over my shoulder because he wants me to watch him. He's a sulky cat. I bet he's muttering to himself all the things he wants to do to me, now that I've humiliated him and gotten away from the usual punishment furs got from associating with Mike.

He gestures a gun with his fingers, and makes a display of shooting Dusk and I.

I could give a shit.

So could the girls in the hallways, judging by the thickness of the open chemistry books in their paws.

"Does this hurt?"

"Ow. Yes."

"How about this? This hurt?"

I'm having some fun, poking into the fur around the bandages on Dusk's arms. I'm cheeky, and a a bit of a dude - but I know that I'm really just trying to get a feel for the muscle he's got there. Shame I can't just grab him, but that would be weird, I think. A bit too invasive.

"Ow, what do you think?" And he says this before poking his paw into my ribs, because I've touched the most obviously painful wound on his body: that left, lower rib, right where Mike's thick boot had landed.

I chuckle and he's flurrying his paws on me, being cheeky as well. Its a hard trait to find in guys - this urge to play around, be childish. He's a got me giggling like a pup when he's deadlocking me. And I'm making him howl away when I tickling away at his stomach.

It feels like I've known him my whole life. But those abs that my paws are brushing over... fuck me, I've never had the pleasure. Stony, almost. I swear this wolf has been chiseled out of something.

Feeling his hard body scratches this different itch I've got. This internal one, that occasionally gets me bent over in school bathrooms. I'd keep going if these girls weren't around us, and I wasn't so bent on not seeming 'clingy' around him, or weird, or gay for that matter.

"Vince is going to be so pissed over these medical bills."

My heart drops, and now I understand that sensation I'm always hearing about in movies.

He peers at me. "Brother." Answering the question I hadn't even asked, but I'm glad he said it. Makes me believe that I still have a chance. "Older, brother. He... um." This must be a soft spot for him, because this has to be the most uncertain I've seen the wolf. "Parents are... they left." He says.

I'm seeing the different side to him, and its enough to make us stop walking just so I can take in everything about him. When Dusk is vulnerable, I learn that his ears fold down a little. He's also obsessed with scratching his neck, and his tail flickers away behind him as he talks, as if trying to blow off something internal.

"Anyways, I need to go." He jerks a thumb in a direction, that probably doesn't even lead to an exit. I feel he knows this.

"No worries." I say. "Nice seeing you again. In better shape, this time."

He laughs, and christ does it do things to my tail. I'm wagging like a car windshield cleaner.

"Yeah yeah." He rolls his eyes just to be playful. "Well, see ya."

I'm not going to pass on this moment. I reach forward and plant my arms around his sides, resting my head on the crook of his shoulder. I close my eyes and I'm hugging him. Its like I've got five seconds left to live, and I need to live every moment I've got of this.

Thankfully, he doesn't immediately pull away, as I was scared - and half expected - he would. He doesn't even do that awkward pat on my back. No. He's hugging back, arms wrapped over me. His head is soft against the side of my neck. In fact, he's even slowly nuzzling me. Warmth to warmth. Canine to canine.

"Awww." Could've easily came from me, had I not been so dry-mouthed.

Its the girls in the hallway, because they're all watching and geeking out over this. Two boys, showing affection for each other. Classic geeking material.

It makes us pull away eventually, because we're both hearing the camera flashes going on, while someones calling us 'cute.'

"Anyways." He says, rubbing his neck. "See ya."

"See ya." I say dozily.

As we're parting directions, and I'm walking by these girls geeking out and making girlish squeals, I actually join in and squeal with them. That just happened.

The Love we Hide (Gay Furry Romance/Thriller story) MA15+Where stories live. Discover now