C1P16 - "A few calm days"

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Rust POV

It took around half an hour for the world to stop spinning around. I had thrown away my bottle of pills because they were only causing me more stress then my attachment to Fetch was already causing. I turned corner after corner through the hospital, using all the distractions I could find to take my mind off of stuff.

I felt my heartbeat quicken, which was strange because I felt perfectly calm. I continued walking and it grew faster and faster until I came to a single emergency room, with doctors flooding inside.

"I'm sorry young man but this patient must be visited another time." She said, stopping me from entering with one paw. It was Fetch inside, I could feel it for some reason, maybe that's why my heart as pounding crazily.

"I'm the patient's dad." I lied quickly, staring at her square in the face.

"I'm sorry?" She said in confusion cocking her head.

"You heard me." I huffed, trying to sound cocky and offended. I could only nail one of them.

"I'm sorry sir. You just look... young."

"I did some strange things as a 7-year-old doc." I shrugged casually. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out so she just moved out of the way so I could get in the room. I shoved past an abyss of white lab coats to get to Fetch.

He lay perfectly still on the bed, there were no bandages or anything. Strangely his eyes were open, but instead of glowing their natural blue that I knew so well, they were a still and lifeless grey.

"Is he dead?" I asked, too shocked to take my eyes away, I had no clue what happened to him. The last time I saw him he was his joyful self. More correctly he was shirtless and under me but the details aren't important.

There was a silence for a second, as the doctors wondered who should answer my question.

"We don't know, we'll give you some private time with him before we start some testing." One finally said towards the back, I nodded and shooed them away. It took longer then it should have to get them all out the door and I closed it, now it was just Fetch and I.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there when whatever happened, happened," I said hopelessly. For some reason I didn't cry, one part of me thought he was dead but my heart said otherwise.

"I don't know what happened to you. I don't know if I even want to know." I continued, I didn't sit down next to him even though I knew that i was going to be there a while.

"I'm happy that they didn't take you away. I'm happy that I get to say goodbye to you, and whatever they did, hopefully it wasn't painful." I began to tear up finally. Not ready to say goodbye to him.

"What the fuck are you on about?" I heard his familiar voice say shakily from the bed. I twitched all over in shock and happiness and I yelled out. His eyes were mysteriously swirling the dark blue back above the grey to their natural colour.

"Oh my god Fetch!" I exclaimed and leaned over quickly and kissed him on the lips, before retracting so heavily that I threw myself in the wall behind me.

"Sorry." I quickly said with a chuckle as he death stared me.

"Why do you taste like some weird minty medication." He asked, smiling lightly to mask his confusion.

"Oh, that's just the pills. I'm actually feeling much better without them. But I'm with you, and that's exactly what I'm not meant to be doing. So I still need them. Kill me." I said with a sigh. Still smiling at the fact that he was alive and okay. That would have probably killed me as well, emotion wise.

"Don't take them. You need to learn how to get over this without looking like a drug addict." He said with a laugh, all of the colour was restored into his eyes and he looked lively as ever, sitting up without another hesitation.

I shrugged at his suggestion.

"I need a few calm days." He said straightforwardly.


"A few days where absolutely nothing happens. No furs trying to kill each other. No shifting uncontrollably through bodies. No thugs trying to fuck their own sep-sons. No getting kissed by my best friend. And no more hospitals, except for my ex-boyfriend who hopefully has a broken leg by now. Just relaxation and contemplation." He said a little louder then he needed to be.

"What.... what-where have you been?" I asked, startled at how he knew all of this which had seemed to happen whilst he was unconscious.

"Nope! Shush, I'm going home for some normal activities. Like binge-watching shitty reality TV and probably masturbating pointlessly at some point!" He exclaimed with a confident smile. I just stood and watched. Very amused at his speech.

"And you're going to do all that without any clothing on?" I said cocking my head, he looked down seeing he had no clothes on. I was surprised when he made no attempt to cover up at all, not that I minded of course.

He grinned for a few uncomfortable seconds.

"Watch me." He chuckled and opened the door and stepped outside before it closed behind him. I heard some nurses screaming and a few whistles and other noises I could only guess were linked to him. I began to laugh uncontrollably.

A few normal days... I'll try my best.

Let's make things a little normal for a few parts huh? And then see where it goes from there. -Nuz

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