C2P8 - Definately not sleeping

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Kevin POV-

Waking up hadn't been the most pleasant feeling. And it could have been unpleasant for quite a few reasons honestly.

It may have been the white sand that chaffed slightly as I moved or even twitched.

It may have been Vince's warm body leaving my embrace as he woke up, much earlier then I did.

But the worst was definitely a wave of ice-cold seawater crashing into me. Rolling me on my side and forcing my eyes open with the impact.

After draining some of the water from my ears and removing seaweed from my fur I could hear Vincent crying with laughter at the top of the beach in the dry sand. I gave him a death stare for not waking me up before the tide came in, but it was obviously part of his plan.

"Wow." He breathed, still chuckling a little as his aftermath. "That was the best thing I've seen all week. And I've seen a cheetah face plant into a fireplace." He winked, not as concerned as he should be about the last thing that he said.

I muttered something that not even I could understand and shook the water from my fur. I stood up slowly, a little achy from last night.

Vince sure as hell didn't go easy on me.

"No hard feelings Kev?" He said with a little guilt from my reaction.

That was one of the many things I loved about him, he was a jokester but would always check if I was alright after every joke or prank. And I could swear that I was the only person he did that to. I mean, he's pranked his brother Dusk plenty of times and I've never heard him apologise once.

"Yeah, it's all good. I'm just thinking up a way to get you back." I shrugged, taking my clothes from him on my way up the beach back to the car. Admittedly it felt horrible being sandy whilst without clothing, but after last night, I'd say it was worth it.

Vince grumbled a little as he followed me up the sand.

"I don't want to go back to civilisation." He sulked as he forced his jacket on.

I was about to roll my eyes but I came across the realisation that he had a point.

"Neither do I," I responded simply.

I didn't feel like doing anything either, no schedule, no worries. Just a few days of nothing. But in the life of a fur my age, even that was too much to ask.

"Really?" He said. He would've sounded surprised if he weren't slightly out of breath from his muscles aching from the night before.

"I guess? Why is your tail wagging like that?"

I didn't have to even look at him to know that he was grinning.

"Because we agree on something!" He exclaimed, like it was some miracle that I had granted him.

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't act like I'm always raining on your parade. What about me wanting to visit where you came from?" I put simply, smiling slightly as if I had checkmated him in chess.

He sighed because I tended to bring this topic up quite a bit.

"Kevin. Hell isn't as cheerful as you think it is." He said without expression as he overtook me on the walk up the beach.

"But you came from there. Every time I think about your hometown I just imagine a heap of sexy Vincents, or just Vincents for short." I laughed.

He looked behind him at me, smiling quite a bit and shaking his head slightly.

"Heh, I like that. I'm only like this because I'm a crossbreed, if I didn't have some wolf in me I would have eaten you by now. And not in the kinky way I usually try to do." He winked and then turned his attention back onto the track.

The Love we Hide (Gay Furry Romance/Thriller story) MA15+Where stories live. Discover now