C2P17 - Hunting saviours

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Rust POV-

The blood had long since dried in my fur, leaving me a black and red mentally-broken fox. I had been looking for the torturer for a while now, exploring around the endless hallways that looked like an abandoned bomb shelter. The pain from the steel trap clamped around my muzzle served as some of my motivation, the rest was the will to carry out some long-desired karma.

The speakers in the hallways blared up with a sickening crumble of radio static.

"Rusty, I mean it. Get your ass back in that room before I crack the gas cylinders and suffocate both of us." The torturer grumbled, obvious panic in his voice. Luckily there were no cameras inside the facility, so I was free to roam around unseen. It confused me when he said Rust and Rusty and things like that.

It was obvious that these hallways had long since rusted and eroded, but why point it out?

A series of sounds suddenly wrapped around my senses.

My head twisted around so fast the momentum made it crack slightly, most likely from hanging upside down for so long. Though the sounds were coming from the direction of the hallway to my left, the one that leads out upstairs and presumably into the outside world.

It was the sound of gravel being skidded along and car doors opening, then a deep husky voice, and then a tiny little metallic flick I presumed to be a lighter of some sort.

Maybe the torturer had called someone to come and do his dirty work for him and take me out. But that didn't bother me one bit, let them come. I would take them out all the same. Do things to them that had been done to me. But I wanted to be more merciful than that, I would kill them. I didn't want to be a torturer, anyways, that was the exact person who I wanted dead. But I wouldn't let them quickly either, a message had to be made out of their death.

And let's just say that I was in a very artistic mood for that matter.

Fetch POV-

We peered down a flight of stairs that led into a black void, which had previously been concealed by a soggy trap door that required all four of us to open it up. There was nowhere else to go other than that. The factory consisted of a ground-level floor where all the machines were, and then an underground part where all of the parts and materials were contained. To our inconvenience, it now seemed Rust was contained down there too.

"So, we're going down there?" I asked the others, already knowing the answer.

Kevin sighed a worrisome sigh, just as nervous as I was.

"Looks that way." He said gruffly, then took out his phone and flipped on the flashlight and aimed it into the darkness. The light wasn't enough to penetrate all of it, but it was enough for now.

Now was the time to go down there, and get out before it got entirely dark. Judging by the size of this place there would be a lot down there, and light would be the only thing differentiating this way out from any other turn off.

Predictably Vince took the first few steps down and we all followed in a single file line. Him first with the lighter, then Kevin, then Dusk, and at last me.

We all turned on our lights and went fully down into the hallway, it was a bit unnecessary because there was enough light to see where we were going, but any light at this point was a welcome sight. The air was stale and oddly humid, with the ground tinted with mildew as if a flood had enveloped the place recently. No one said anything for a while, we just held on to each other's shoulders like a terrified congo-line and walked on down. We kept on walking, not really sure where we were going, but hopefully, we would eventually find something.

The others seemed like completely other furs. Vince wasn't cheering us up with dark humour or urging us on like the leader he was, Kevin wasn't making a snarky yet well-appreciated remark on how revolting the place smelled, Dusk wasn't even purposely making my paws slip down below his waist for dirty-minded amusement.

We were all so tense, so silent, so anticipated to get the hell out of this place and take a few swigs at the local bar. But that seemed like a whole world away now.

We were walking for only five minutes, yet it felt like an hour. The orangey-red toned sunlight from the trap-door had long left our view after a few twists and turns. Now the only lights were our phones and the leading lighter, shooting tiny beams of comforting light at the walls and ourselves so we didn't hit anything as we walked. I didn't like being at the back, it felt like something would grab me and I would be pulled away before Dusk would be able to get a grip of me.

But Rust was down here, for all of this time he had been down here, in a dark and humid solitude with no one to talk to but the one holding him captive. That only reminded me that there was someone in one of these dark halls or rooms who wanted us gone. Who might even try to kill us if he wanted to, and we would be walking blindly into it.

"Stop," Kevin whispered, and one by one we halted. All of were too afraid to move a muscle, let alone ask Kevin why we had to stop. Dusk's phone-light revealed Kevin's coyote-patterned paw lifted up in signal to stop moving.

It was now that I realised how fast my heart was beating. How my legs were shaking slightly. But there was something other than that, something that made my ears twitch unsteadily, picking up something that just wasn't right.

The sound of steel scraping against down one of the corridors in front of us, a sound that was growing louder as each second passed by.

"Lights off!" I whispered frantically, tapping harshly on the back of Dusk's neck so he would get the message too, and our lights clicked off, and the lid of Vince's lighter flipped back up, choking the flame.

Now there was nothing to see at all. The black void had consumed us, but now, despite there only being a lack of light, it was feeling much harder to breathe. My sweat seemed to cling to my hood tighter than before.

There was something I could hear now that I concentrated on it. The unsteady breathing of my fellow friends, all breathing in a different rhythm yet they all suggested panic. Gradually the sound of the scraping steel grew louder to the point where I couldn't even hear that anymore.

Roughly twenty metres in front of us a light started to glow. Not a piercing white light, but a flickering warm orange light filling the right side of the box that was my vision of the hallways' turn off point.

The light was coming from the right side. Finally, a candle revealed itself, and holding that candle was a figure wearing an eery white mask, with a streak of blood dried over its eye. It was holding something in its other hand. Judging by how the light flickered off of its smooth surface, it became obvious that it was a large meat-cleaver of some sought, which quickly explained the awful sound from before.

Then suddenly the figure stopped but the masked turned.

And faced directly in our direction.

Understandably, Dusk was beginning to go into hyperventilation.

"F-Fetch. He... it can't see us right?" He asked in a panicked whisperer.

I wanted to answer but I didn't know myself. So I leaned closer to him, placed my muzzle on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his chest to comfort him. That at least stopped the shaking.

But it was then that I began shaking myself as I realised something that I had forgotten. Something very distinctive about the fur standing at the very front of the line, the wolf who was staring back at the pale-masked figure.

Vince's eyes glowed red in the dark.

The dim light of the candle spun around wildly as the figure dropped the candle. Then, breaking the silence with his worn-out boots slamming loudly against the chipped concrete,

he came sprinting down the hall towards us.

On that cheerful note, I would like to inform you awesome readers that next part will be the last for this chapter (and a massive climax and wrap-up) before it drifts onto Chapter 3- a spark amongst the snow. Crap I'm excited! -Nuz

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