C2P2 - the first domino

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Mike limped over to his cafeteria table, hating that fact that he needed crutches to support him. His leg had improved and he was expected to make a full recovery yet his mind was still scarred; How had it happened? How had he ended up falling two stories from a broken window, when a second before he was about to end Fetch's precious little protector. Fetch, even the name made him wince with rage. But Mike had to keep his distance from him, he was a skimmer after all. And Fetch had a lot of dirt on him. At any minute he could be called up to the office if the German-Shepherd decided to tell teachers about their little 'incident' in the bathrooms about a week back.

"Are you okay chief?" Twig asked, who was one of his fellow bullies. Twig was quite a skinny bronze lizard who acted tough on the outside, but in a real fight would probably get snapped like, well, a twig. Mike had never trusted him, he was very deceitful and seemed to try to trick and lie to you in every way that he could.

"Really Twig? Does he look okay to you dumbass?" Lavender sneered, a little, a little louder then she had to. Even someone as thick-headed as Mike could tell that she was pretty much the definition of 'bitch'. She was a pitch-white cat with hazy purple eyes, who would have been very attractive if it weren't for her revolting personality. Mike couldn't recall I time when she didn't have her phone in her paw and wasn't obsessively chewing grape flavoured bubble gum. But, with bitchiness must come popularity, and sure enough, her slutty posts had pretty much taken over the social media. Which effortlessly earnt her quite a reputation in the school. But like all furs, she had a weakness, Mike. And he knew how much she liked him, and she didn't try to be shy about it. Which made her very easy to manipulate and control in Mike's eyes.

"I'm fine Lav." Mike winked which made her giggle in delight before he shot a glance to Twig who quickly looked down in shame, Mike was the alpha, and Twig had to play by his rules.

"I don't mean your leg, silly. I mean your reputation." She said with her natural and unmistakable posh tone.

Mike cocked his head.


Lavender sighed and took out her phone, scrolling down on some social media before she centred on one post and held it for Mike to see; It was Fetch's account, and the picture was with him naked- though not showing the bottom half- in a hospital with Mike unconscious in the hospital bed with his leg in a brace. The German-Shepherd was grinning cockily.

"He's pretty hot," Lavender said just to annoy him, zooming up dramatically on Fetch's ab region.

"Whatever, probably no one saw the post anyways," Mike said, more to comfort himself then conversing with her.

"1K likes says otherwise." Twig chimed in unconsciously, more focused on devouring his yoghurt-cups from the cafeteria. Mike snarled in frustration and Lav pinched him under the table before he could say anything more.

"I fucking hate social media." Mike groaned. Slamming his head down onto the table.

"Well, you could give yourself even more brain damage. Or we can focus on making him pay." Lav argued persuasively.

"We can't. He's a skimmer, we'll get this shit beaten out of us if we even touch him."

Lavender sighed, shaking her head lightly, which was usually what she did when someone said something that was dumb.

"I don't mean beat him up. I mean set something up for him, make him hurt without knowing that it was us."

"Like a trap?" Mike asked, lifting his head with a grin spreading across his face.

Twig finished his food and joined in the conversation.

"Let me help, I'm a professional hunter, I have a certificate and everything." Twig lied confidently which made Mike roll his eyes.

"Sure, whatever Twig. I have an idea." Lav said evilly, leaning in so that no one else could hear their conversation. She pointed a white paw over to Rust, who was eating alone at the skimmers table, trying to get down a pill.

"But it's going to involve his little fox friend."

Every story needs some conflict, right? -Nuz

The Love we Hide (Gay Furry Romance/Thriller story) MA15+Where stories live. Discover now