C3P2 - dedicated to a friend

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"Dusk," said Nova as he pushed his glasses further up his muzzle.

"I've told you more than a few times now, I tutor you, to help you with your schoolwork, not crack dog-shit scenarios on whether or not a black-psycho-fox could survive a gas explosion."

The wolf's amber eyes stared out the library's window, watching small and delicate snowflakes float down from the clouded sky.

"How about some math or something?" His tutor recommended. Dusk's tutor was a golden retriever called Nova (he assumed it was a nickname or something because it surely was a weird-ass name to have) who was polite in general, yet intimidatingly smart. However, Dusk knew that if you pried him just the right amount you could get a little bit more than just tutoring out of him.

Dusk shifted his attention back to Nova across the wooden circular desk that separated them.
"Probability?" He recommended with a subtly mischievous smile.

The golden retriever returned the smile and flipped through the textbook in front of him.
"Now we're getting somewhere, do you have any activities you're struggling with?"

The wolf rested his head on his palm, and the elbow of that arm onto the table.

"Well, I do have one that I can't figure out."

Nova took out a sheet of working paper and a pencil, then lay it in the middle of the table. He turned his attention back to Dusk and signalled with his paw for him to go on.

"Ok, so if a fox with a metal clamp across his face stood at the top of the stairs of a gas-filled basement,"

"For fuck's sake..."

"And if the gas in front of him were to ignite only a few metres in front of him what would the probability of Rust's survival be." He finished with determination in his voice.

Nova's brows raised in a surprised arc.
"You didn't tell me this was about Rust Talonmock."

Dusk shrugged, feeling a bit bad for coughing up the information he was meant to keep to himself. Vince would kill him if he knew, and knowing his older brother that wasn't an exaggeration.

"You know him?" He pushed.
Secretly, he hoped that Nova was actually being sarcastic and how no clue who the Skimmer was. Huh, who knew Iron-oxide could survive an explosion? He imagined his tutor saying through one of his classic grins.

But instead, he simply said-
"Yeah, I know him, second hottest fox I've ever met." with a shrug of his own.

"Who's the first?" Dusk said before he could help himself.

This time it was Nova's eyes that turned away and looked out the window. Heavier snow was beginning to fall outside the dimly-lit vintage library. At this rate, the lake at the park a few blocks away would be good for ice-skating on before long. Behind his glasses, Dusk could see that he was locked in thought, and he couldn't tell whether they were pleasant or unpleasant.

Before long he snapped out of it and turned back to the wolf with an apologetic smile.
"Just a friend."

Dusk squinted.

Someone walked past where they were sitting and bumped their hip on the table, slapping the two canines out of their thoughts and back on track.

"Anyways, as I was saying," Dusk began pulling his hoodie tighter around his chest. The library had barely any heating.

"Could he live? Please tell me, I need to know. Like, really really need to know. I'll do anything."

Nova snickered at 'anything' and shook his head before a porno could brew in his imagination. He leaned back in his chair like a criminal mastermind, only missing a cat and a voice deep enough to say 'I've been expecting you'.
"I don't want to get involved with this stuff. Knowing you, you'll probably end up looking for him." The retriever sighed.
"Might take that sexy demon with you as well, wasn't his name Vin-

The Love we Hide (Gay Furry Romance/Thriller story) MA15+Where stories live. Discover now