C2P12 - Wake the beast

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Rust POV-

As much as I didn't want to think about where my mind had gone to, I wanted to die.

And not because I was depressed, but it was solely because of what my body was going through since the acid had been unleashed into my system. But it was strange how it was working, unnatural, almost miraculous. For the first few hours, the pain had been beyond excruciating, but something had happened since then. I had felt a wave of relief flow across my nervous system like I had just been injected with the cure to the death I should have had.

The torturer had pulled up a seat at this point. He had left the room and came back in with a normal-looking office chair, sat down and waited. Waited to decompose of my body as the final remnants of my life drained away from it. But that time had soon to come.

"I don't get it." He would mumble under that eerie white mask of his every twenty minutes or so.

I felt another short spasm of pain in my muscles, but at this point, I had grown used to it. The pain itself was different than other things, it was a weird tingle, but it felt... unhealthy. Like someone had deposited nuclear waste into my bloodstream. But once again the wave of relief sent a shudder up my spine as it relieved me, cleansing the unhealthy feeling.

The torturer hadn't spoken in a while. He had just been sitting, watching, waiting for me to do something, anything out of the ordinary. But I failed to meet his expectations.

"What have you been eating?" He finally asked, but with the metal muzzle over my mouth, the question might as well have been rhetorical.

Nothing, you haven't bothered to feed me. I thought to myself grimly. My ears twitched slightly as I tried to recall what the last thing I had was. I could only remember the medication, and that seemed to be my daily diet for that matter.

But why was I still alive right now? Was it the medication? It had to be, there was nothing else that could have saved me.

My thoughts darted back to school, with the whole 'acid' and 'base' thing. And the fact that when the two mix they just make a natural substance or liquid.

That was it! The medication was a base! A strong one at that, heh, no wonder it was so bitter! That was why I was alive, it was balancing with the acid in the bloodstream. But I needed more of it if I were to fight the dose that the torturer had injected me with.

And resources, let alone medication weren't exactly in my back pocket at this point.

The torturer's eyes shun with a sudden realisation. It wasn't the same reaction I had shown but he had obviously figured it out as well. And he was plotting something devious, most likely to do with me.

"You have a very basic bloodstream, don't you?" He asked, another question made rhetorical.

I dared not flinch, tried not to give anything away with my facial expressions. But he had already figured it out, there was no point hiding it anymore.

"Hmm." He began to himself, tapping the side of his waist with anticipation. Before he stood up and circled me like a vulture on a kill.

"I know how we can fix that."

He thought to himself for a while, his grin widening by the second. Until at last he left the room and shut the door behind him. Making that same sound of screeching metal that had become oh so familiar.

Leaving me, a fox with his most prized possession burnt away from him. Leaving a black-furred torture victim with steel clamped around his muzzle, and his mind on the verge of breaking for good.

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