C2P1 - Devil-care

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Act II - The rust among the pipes


I didn't know how it happened, neither did anyone. One minute I was in my step-dads house, the next I was comforting my boyfriend's brother whilst he was on the brink of life. One minute a lion was supposedly about to kill him, the next he had fallen two flights and shattered the bones in one of his legs, as he constantly screamed about how his eyes were burning, and that all he could see was blue, it was very strange. But, through all of the trauma that I had been through, it felt good to talk to someone with it. We both knew that something was going on, yet we both ignored it.

"So, does Vincent treat you well? Or is it one of those forced relationships?" Dusk said through a mouthful of cheap hospital jelly, I would have asked for some but it looked like he needed it.

"He treats me well I guess. He is very childish though and can let his emotions get out of hand. But I guess he just needs someone on his side. Once you get past all of the snarling and demonic traits of his, Vinny's a great guy." I said with a shrug, leaning back in my seat as if it would somehow tempt me not to take any of Dusk's food.

His expression didn't change, instead, he just opened the side of his hospital gown. I quickly looked away expecting to something else but I realised that his chest was scarred with burnt gashes.

"Your boyfriend gave me that." He said with a chuckle as if it were now just some memory that he looked back on. Like an exaggerated story from years back that you would tell at a dinner party.

Strangely I didn't react as much as I thought I would have, my eyes just widened slightly.

"What did you do to tick him off?" I asked, without a smile that I was trying to develop.

He rubbed his head with one paw.

"I tried to run off to see Fetch, he didn't like that. With his rule and all."

My mind darted back to when Vincent went running outside from his room, in the middle of our cuddle fest. I didn't even ask why he was leaving, I was just disappointed that he had to go, and I hadn't seen him since, despite several attempts.

"Does it hurt?" I asked unconsciously and saw him give me a look as if I was a dumbass so I quickly added- "Less then when you got it I mean. Because it's a burn."

He chuckled for some reason.

"Heh, I can't even feel it anymore. You know, I let myself bleed out in a bar, I felt like the world was against me. Until some Fox in shining armour came and saved me, who turned out to actually be Fetch's boyfriend or something. But it's a weird thought, knowing that barely a day ago I had tried to kill myself. It's unnerving." He muttered as he continued to rub his eyes, I wasn't sure if he was trying to hide tears or if he was just generally exhausted. Though it was probably a mixture of both.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I sighed, a little bit worried about how casually he was treating it. If it were me I would be terrified, and get to a therapist as soon as I could. Kind of like what Vincent did.

"What's Vincent been up to? Wreaking havoc as always?" He smiled, though his words were undeniably bitter.

"Heh, I was just thinking about him. He went and saw a therapist, for doing that to you." I said, gesturing to his scarred chest. I could tell that he was surprised yet he refused to show it, in fact, once again he struggled to show any emotion at all.

"You know, he cares about you. A lot. I'm sure he wished he never did that to you." I continued, trying to trigger any kind of response that I could. Dusk had changed, I had only known him for a few days now it was still obvious that he wasn't himself. He wasn't treating the situation like it should have been treated. He chose to smile in the face of death, but it wasn't bravery, it was purely psychotic.

He sighed, probably the only notification I got showing that his mind was still in this world.

"I know, I know... I understand that it wasn't really him that attacked me. But to be honest I just don't want to face him right now. Well, not until I'm better. Bloody situations usually make him lose more control then he can handle." He finished. He shut his orange eyes for a minute, then reopened.

"Would you like me to get you some water or anything?" I asked cautiously. I was nervous for some reason as if he was going to lunge out at me at any minute. His orange eyes fixed on to me, and I gulped before a smile flashed across his face.

"I would love some, thank you." He responded politely. Even though his words were kind my heart was still pounding as I walked out of the room, not sure if I was going to go back in.

As I stepped out into the entrance, I saw the last person that I was expecting to be here, Vincent.

"Sup." He said confidently, grinning happily at the fact we were together again.

Without hesitation I ran up into his arms, exhaling deeply into his chest and feeling my stress melt away.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad to see you." I breathed, feeling his muscular arms wrap tighter around me. I would have continued for a while if we weren't at the entrance of a hospital. I pulled away gently and looked up to face him, making him chuckle at the fact that he was taller than me.

"Why? Has something happened? Other than... yeah." He asked, rubbing his head awkwardly.

"Yeah. But I won't tell you know. In case you get stressed." I explained. Vincent's only way to disguise as a normal wolf in public was by staying calm, which would keep his body from glowing red so everything except for his eyes would stay a pitch-black, looking almost identical to his brother. If he got stressed then the red would start to show, which isn't exactly the best thing to occur in public. Being how the few demons found in public have been made in to test subjects now.

"I like your thinking, and try not to be so adorable, it gets me pretty lusty." He joked with his classic laugh.

"Shut up," I said, smiling profusely at his humour that I loved.

"Heh, you've failed already." He chuckled with a sly wink.

Suddenly a fully nude german Sheppard came sprinting out of the hospital through the entrance doors beside us. Setting off endless alarms. He was yelling something as he ran past, which was most likely laughter.

"Was that Fetch?" I heard Vincent ask behind me, taking me out of my trance of trying to figure out what the heck just happened. I turned around and saw his eyes and ears glowing a dangerous red and felt my heart leap.

"NO!!!" I yelled, grabbing his ears so that no one would see. Strangely, I somehow didn't attract much attention as I thought I would have. "I mean, no, that wasn't Fetch. Calm down." I soothed, he continued to glow, not believing me. A heard a snarl creeping through his mouth.

I leaned up and kissed him, hearing his snarl descend into nothing as he joined in. I pulled away and the only red thing that was glowing was the blush on his cheeks. His smile was crooked and wide, like a happy dog who had his head out the window.

"Whenever you get mad just remember that I love you, Vince," I said, relieved that everything was now under control.

His tail began to wag profusely behind him, and his blush reddened.

"W-Wow. That's the first time you've said that you loved me." He said, his voice trembling with vulnerability.

I smiled and almost teared up, feeling a growing urge to kiss him again.

"Don't get used to it." I chuckled, punching him in the shoulder playfully and he smiled.

"What did I tell you about getting me lusty." He laughed shaking his head slightly.

"Shut up." I laughed back with a smile, as I stared him in the eyes, which were burning a calm red, like embers after a forest fire. And without either of us knowing our paws intertwined.

Haha it been quite a while!! Anyways, I want to do more chapters like this. Hopefully, I succeeded in making Vince more of a cutie then he already is! -Nuz

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