C2P11 - b1u3 3nt1t7?

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Vincent POV-

I didn't know what Kevin was on about. This whole thing about this 'entity'. He seemed to prattle on for ages, marching around my living room as he kept rapid-firing evidence, trying to justify whatever the hell he was saying. The only thing keeping me remotely occupied was a flask I sipped every time I felt myself getting confused.

"What the fuck," I said again, interrupting him entirely, but I didn't care.

"are you on about?"

He oped his mouth to continue his rant but then closed it again, silently fuming in frustration that once again, I hadn't understood what he meant.

"Ok, I'm practically spoon-feeding this to you at this point, but I'll start over." He said, clearing his throat at the end to get obtain what little attention I had left, refusing to let me fall into the warm and comforting arms of alcohol.

"So, I was about to get cut open by Steven." He said with careful enunciation.

I grunted a little as he said it. Subtle rage boiling up inside of me as I thought of his stepdad, and what he had done to Kevin.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down a little, then regained my ability to talk in a civil manner.

"I know that part, can we please skip the abuse? I'm unstable enough as it is."

Kevin nodded, smiling lightly. Now certain that my thoughts were locked onto him. Well, admittedly they usually were about him, but this time not in a dirty way.

"Sure thing." He continued, taking the hint.

"Then suddenly, as it was about to... uh... happen. And for a split second, I felt this pure blue light wrap around me, and then next minute I was in the hospital with your brother." He exclaimed.

He waited to see a reaction from me of surprise or something but I just took a long, deep sip from the flask, and wiped the side of my muzzle.

"And?" I asked dully.

"And?" He repeated, eyes widening with disbelief.

"What do you mean 'And'?! Doesn't me teleporting thanks to some blue entity weird you out a little?" He was practically yelling at this point, desperate to get his point across.

Blue entity, that was the name he had for it. For the apparent 'thing' that had saved him, shipped him off to the hospital before anyone could even blink. I didn't think he was going insane at all, but it didn't make any sense either.

Being a demon, I could do some stuff myself, but somehow teleporting my boyfriend a few miles to the town's hospital? Not even I could do something like that.

"Well, that stuff happens to me regularly." I slurred, now getting hit by the effects of the beverage I had pretty much been sculling for the past half an hour.

"Every weekend at the bar I suddenly end up in my bed hungover," I said, meaning it as a joke though I was sure it was hard to tell if I was serious.

"But you get what I mean right?" Kevin pleaded, practically on my knees, which was exactly how I liked him.

I shrugged a little, smiling a crooked smile.

"I believe you Kev. But I don't think others will, just saying."

"Dusk will." He said quickly.

"The same thing happened to him, and the whole incident of that bully getting thrown out the window. The nurses said that he was clutching at his leg, yelling out about some 'light' burning at his brain, as it had controlled him."

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