C2P7 - Burn the fox

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Rust POV

It took a while for me to realise that I was actually conscious, and the dizziness I was feeling was no longer from dreams surging through my head, but an overload of blood surging through it instead.

I grunted with effort as I heaved my head into a different position, trying to get the blood flow at an even pace so I could think properly. I was upside down, but I figured this out because of the memories I had with Fetch at a young age, hanging from the rails of our shared bunk-bed at the orphanage we used to call home. We were told endless times not to do it, warned how easily we could break our necks. But we did it anyway, mostly for fun, but also just to see how far we could push our 'houseparents' until we got punished, and believe me we always did.

With another heave of strength I held my muzzle up onto my chest, it didn't stop the dizziness but at least I could think lucidly now. Alright, let's look back a little, what was I doing before this? How did I end up here?

No relevant memories came, just the same drug-induced coma that hits me on the daily.

Alright, memories aren't helping me. What about senses?

I can see grey walls, eroded and almost metallic, coated with a dim light that made them barely visible. I'm in some kind of room, but definitely not mine. That plus hanging upside down with no recollection of how I got there, I've been kidnapped. But what for? Does someone want to sell me for some reason? Am I going to be used as intel for information on Fetch? Are these going to be the last thoughts that I'll ever have? No, I can't think that now. Panic isn't going to help anything, let alone getting me out of this mess.

There was no sound other than my heartbeat and breathing, I was probably alone, but I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

A shiver made its way up my spine as my chest nerves picked up something. There was something dripping down my torso. It was cold and seemed to tickle, so it probably wasn't my own blood. I shifted my eyes onto it, it was just drops of stormwater making their way down my chest fur.

I completely lacked clothes aside from cargo shorts that hung loosely around my waist, loose enough to slip down if I was the right way up. My hind paws were tied tightly to a pipe above me, well, at least that explains the water.

"I'm surprised you aren't struggling." I heard a voice say in front of me and I leapt in surprised (Well more correctly twitched because of how constrained my body was).

I felt my eyes widen as they searched around frantically, trying to find the identity of the voice. Until they finally stopped on two glowing white eyes in the darkness.

'Who are you?!' I tried to say but my voice was muffled by an iron muzzle clamped tightly around my mouth, sharp enough that it seemed to dig in.

"I know you're confused." The voice said in the darkness, the white eyes blinked a few times, he, or it, was watching me intently.

"I don't blame you. It's not every day you wake up in this position after all." It continued, it's voice eerily clear and precise.

I couldn't do anything but listen and wait, for something to happen. I was half expecting it to lunge out and attack me.

It stood up and walked towards me, revealing itself in the faint light. Though none of his fur could be seen, his face was hidden under a chalky mask that seemed to grin at me. He was wearing my jumper, with his paws in the pockets and the hood slumped carelessly behind his back.

He pulled up his chair out of the darkness and sat in front of me, his mask not even a metre away from my face. But he pulled a table out too, with a large toolbox on one side and a paperback file on the other. He took the file and glanced over it, before looking back at me.

"Rust Talonmock huh?" He scoffed, before putting the file back on the table and resuming his 'paws in pockets' state.

"So, a quick recap. I've been paid to keep you down here for a while until a certain someone has paid for your return." He stated, staring at me cockily.

"Now, luckily for you, you get to have fun with me in the meantime. You're going to be my test subject for the next few days."

Test subject? What exactly is he testing on me? I thought. I squirmed around slightly, trying to loosen the ropes around my paws but it was no use. He noticed this.

"Hey, calm down. You're going to have as much fun as I am, don't worry." He chuckled lightly as he reached for the toolbox, he started scavenging around a little, and by the sound of it, the tools were metal.

He took out a cow prod and switched it on, sending electricity ripping through the device, lighting up the room unevenly.

I yelped in terror, though it was muffled by the muzzle which held my mouth shut.

"Yeah, sorry about the muzzle. The last guy I had wouldn't stop screaming when I experimented on him for the first few days, after a while I just couldn't handle it anymore you know? So I had to quiet him down. Don't make me do the same to you alright? It's not half as much fun when they're dead." He said to himself happily. He reached his paw out and placed it on my waist, before stroking up my stomach and chest, then he stopped at my throat.

"Hmm, you've got some muscle on you." He muttered, he gripped my head with his other paw and twisted it around, examining it.

I tried my best not to resist, for I knew that he wouldn't take any of my struggles lightly. But even as I tried to stay still a combination of fear and cold still made me shiver uncontrollably.

"Don't be scared. I'll start with the least painful, and then escalate from there. We'll see how far we can go. Hey, you might even set a new record if you're lucky." He grinned enthusiastically, flipping the cow prod in his hand over and over before he stopped, turning it to me.

He pushed it closer and closer to me, I felt more and more heat seem to radiate from it as it got closer. I began to struggle pointlessly, knowing there was no way to escape but all of my senses begged me to make an effort.

He pushed it closer until it finally touched the surface of my chest. My eyes were forced shut as all of my muscles tensed uncontrollably, pain pulsing through every inch of my body, I tried to scream out but I heard nothing, nothing but his sick laughter.

Finally, he pulled it back to him and switched it off. The pain stopped and I sucked in some breaths, some of my leg muscles still shaking from the aftershock.

"You didn't do so bad for a beginner." He chuckled, putting the cow prod back in his toolbox before he rummaged around for another tool.

After a few minutes, his paw emerged with a blowtorch. He clicked it on and waved the devious blue flame in the air a little to test it.

He shifted his piercing white eyes onto me, readying the blowtorch.

"Alright Rust, let's start the next test."

I know I know. This part is darker than the others. But with Cuddles, you must have Chaos. -Nuz

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