C2P3 - Caffeine, savoury, and cuteness

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Fetch POV-

On most afternoons I come home from school and sit inside my room, thinking of what do to. Before I would leave my house to go and do it, hating the feeling of wasting time being a couch potato. But with what felt like an eternity of shifting bodies and endless hospitals and operations, home was the only place I wanted to be. Living alone definitely had its benefits: endless free time, showering with doors open, and my personal favourite- being able to do any house-hold activity with a complete lack of clothing. Which I would have been doing right now if I wasn't so exhausted.

It was about 6:14 right now, though it was difficult to tell because my watch was always either slightly ahead or slightly behind. And I needed to stay up another hour or two so that my sleep schedule would be back to normal.

I dialled in Rust's number, but strangely he wasn't on the phone, which was unlike him. So then I tried Dusk next.

"Hello?" He said on the other side of the call. He had been released from hospital at well. Though the doctor had personally told him to take it easy and avoid negative thoughts if necessary, in case they were to lead to another 'emotional spike'.

My face filled with red heat, as I wasn't expecting him to answer the call.

"H-Hey," I stuttered then cleared my throat to save myself some embarrassment. "you feeling any better?" was the question that I managed to come up with.

He hesitated slightly.

"Yeah, I guess. At least the doctors didn't put me onto any medication." He replied with a small chuckle. I smiled as well, though sadness crept its way through my emotions at him being so weak.

"I guess you're luckier then Rust. He seems to be getting down a pill every five minutes." I sighed. He grunted in agreement.

There were a few seconds of silent thoughts filled our heads.

"Hey, can we meet up? Like now, If that's okay." Dusk said confidently. I chuckled lightly, at how plans seemed to follow me around even in my spare time. But an opportunity to meet up with a crush was too good to pass the offer, even and especially when they were the ones who had asked for it.

"Yeah, sounds good. May I ask why?" I answered, biting my paw at what response he might give.

"That's what friends do right? And I need to get some stuff off my chest. I just want to talk to you in person." He replied, I was unable to tell what he was feeling. If he felt guilty, sad, frustrated, it was hard to tell.

"I understand, let's meet at the local café. Dangerously high amounts of caffeine usually helps with this kind of stuff." I laughed and he laughed back, which brought my emotions to ease.


The drive felt longer then it needed to be, I couldn't stop thinking about Dusk. And for some reason, I was a little nervous for our meetup like it was some kind of job interview. But it was just us, I kept telling myself reassuringly, just me and him. Just me and Dusk. Just me and the wolf I found myself falling for every day since we had met.

I pulled at the parking lot of the café. It was quite small, in line with a few other random shops surrounding it. But it was like the gem of the town in a way, that was everyone's first choice of where to get a heated beverage. I got outside my car and into the cold night outside, wrapping my jumper tighter around me as I got inside. The blast of cosy warmth I was met with made my smile widen, and I saw Dusk alone at one of the smaller tables, stirring his coffee even though it didn't need to be stirred.

"Hey hotstuff," I said with a grin as I sat opposing him, his radiant orange eyes lit up happily as he noticed my presence, which made my heart beat easier.

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