C2P15 - To rescue a Skimmer

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Kevin POV-


"Quit complaining. You signed up for this."

"I know it's just, ow, I wasn't expecting you to go this hard, or fast for that matter."

"Shh, it's almost your turn to go on top anyways."

Dusk slapped the top of my paws yet again, my reactions weren't fast enough to take mine away in time. He was going to swiftly for my mind to handle.

"Alright, do we both agree that I've won this round?" He chuckled, waiting for me to admit defeat.

"Fine," I said through gritted teeth.

Vincent turned his head back from the driver's seat to address both of us. Like an annoyed parent at their two children.

"Do you guys mind stopping that all the beating into submission? It's getting me hard over here." He grumbled with a slight grin which made me snicker.

Even Fetch managed a small smile at that.

Dusk waited a little bit before he asked for the tenth time-

"Are we there yet? All I see is the countryside, it's getting boring." He groaned, his amber eyes targeting Fetch as if he could give him something to do.

Coincidentally Fetch was the one who responded to this.

"We have a quarter of an hour to go, would be less if we were driving an actual car..." The german shepherd said softly, head resting against the side of the window.

Vincent's ears pricked up, a little insulted.

"If you're going to shit talk my car, then you can walk. I could use some spare elbow room to get rid of my headache." He said, almost plotting it for real.

Fetch turned his head from the driver's seat to face the demon, he would have looked surprised if we all weren't so tired.

"Really? I have a headache as well, thanks to you." He said it would have sounded condescending if he weren't drunk with exhaustion.

It may have sounded like an insult but we all knew that it was actually true. Both Fetch and Vince were getting headaches and what they described as a 'fuzzy pain' purely because of their proximity to one another. And I knew that we all thought it was because something in Fetch was countering Vincent's demon side, and it was causing both of them pain.

We had tried everything, moving Fetch around to different seats in order to give as much space as we could between the two. We had settled on Fetch sitting next to Dusk for a while - I could tell Dusk had definitely settled for that arrangement as well - but after an hour or so Fetch felt like he was going to throw up and we put him back in the front seat for caution.

Dusk had been good company, for me at least. We had been communicating silently over a fairly simple sign language that we had taught ourselves in the first half an hour of the trip. It was just letters strung together using different signs, not full words, which served to be very slow whilst having a conversation. But it beat David groaning out every tie one of us was too loud, which was very often.

{I think I have a thing for Fetch} Dusk signed through a contagious yawn.

I smiled excitedly for him. I always loved the thought of furs crushing for one another, especially when the relationships were gay.

{I'm not surprised, I would too if I wasn't in love with a devil} I grinned back at him, which made him just role his eyes playfully.

{Do you want to play any more car games?} Dusk suggested out of boredom.

The Love we Hide (Gay Furry Romance/Thriller story) MA15+Where stories live. Discover now