C1P10 - Imprinted

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Fetch POV

I waved them goodbye and then closed the door, trying to adjust to the ominous silence of my own house surrounding me. I leant my weight against the door and allowed myself to sit down next to it, burying my face into my paws.

"I just friend-zoned myself," I said, chuckling slightly at my own stupidity. My house could only be described as lonely, I spend hours in the silence, and having a friend or a crush over every now and then makes my heart beat a little easier Dusk's brother was strange though, something about him rubbed me in the wrong way and I didn't know why. The doorbell rang and I jumped forward, then gathered my senses and opened the door, I saw a copper-orange fox with hazel brown fur standing before me, his grey eyes lighting up as he saw me.

"Rust?" I laughed, he ran up and hugged me, cuddling into my shoulder and I hugged back, smiling at the feel of male company.

"I thought that you had a date tonight, with the most popular girl in the class! Oh shit, did she dump you already?" I asked with a laugh, we pulled away and he shrugged, rolling his eyes slightly yet he tried to keep them fixed onto me.

"Nope, I've dumped her. I don't need a girlfriend, and I really wanted to see you." He chuckled awkwardly, ears folding down guiltily. I cocked my head slightly, grinning at his vulnerability.

"I didn't know that a Skimmer could feel guilty, so what's up? Why the pouty face?" I asked with a laugh and he shrugged, trying to act casual though he gave up and sighed.

"I'll tell you later, can I um... stay with you tonight?" He asked with a forced smile even though I could tell he was a little shy about it.

"Sure, I could do with some company. But on one condition, you have to tell me what's going on." I said crossing my arms and he sighed again with a nod then came inside. It was getting dark so we just went straight to my bedroom.

"You can have my bed, I'll just use the couch." I insisted and began walking to the living room.

"No I'll have the couch, I'm a guest anyway it makes sense." He protested, stopping me in the hallway. I looked at my bed then looked at him.

"We'll share then." I resolved and his tail began to wag and he blushed like mad.

"I-I can't Fetch." He stuttered.

"Why not? I'm sure it can fit both of us."

"Yeah it can, but... I sleep naked and stuff..." He said looking away a little, I couldn't help but grin, noticing that this was living up to one of those fantasies that you read on story making apps.

"So? We're both guys, I won't judge." I said as I took my shirt off, he observed my body for a second then looked back onto my face. I thought a little of what to say next, then a dumb lusty idea formed and before I even knew what I was doing it had already come out of my mouth.

"If it makes you more comfortable I can sleep nude as well, then we both have blackmail," I said then thought about covering my mouth but it was too late, he stared at me for a little bit then nodded with a look of lust in his grey eyes but he shook his head at his own actions.

"Only if you're cool with it." He shrugged then took off his shirt and before I could study his ab covered body he slipped into the covers and with a struggle under the blanket he removed his pants and threw them out the other side of the bed. I did the same but just for fun, I removed everything in front of him, trying to act casual and not smile as his jaw dropped once my trousers were removed.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be that size." He said with a smirk. I slipped in through the covers next to him, laughing at what he said for we were best friends.

"Aren't you a little too straight to be salivating over my lower region Rust?" I chuckled and he closed his mouth.

"So why did you suddenly want to come and stay with me?" I asked, tilting my head slightly, he turned his muscular fox body to face me and I did my best to not look down through the gap in the covers.

"First, promise you won't get mad at me when I say this." He said with a stern face, I began to laugh.

"Rust, I'm naked in a bed next to another naked hot fur who is also a guy yet surprisingly straight. How could I get mad right now?" I chuckled and he smiled at my joke.

"I have this, condition, where I direct all of my emotions to one thing, it's like this fox instinct to imprint all of their love and feelings onto a potential mate. And... well, I think I may have imprinted onto you Fetch..." He said slowly, I could tell that every word was harder to say then the previous, but I was both a mixture of surprised and overjoyed. He tried to bury his head under the covers but I pulled him back out and lay my body onto his, making us both blush but I didn't care.

"We've been best friends ever since we've met, and I understand and I'm not mad at you. And I personally know that our friendship is strong enough for it to have benefits at times. I love you as my best friend." I said passionately and gave him a light kiss on the cheek, I could feel part of him growing against my waist and I blushed.

"I think you have something down there." I chuckled, he looked at me, eyes filled with emotion and content.

"I want to do this so bad Fetch." He sighed, eyes now filled with a lustful expression. I handed him a bottle of sleeping pills that I keep next to my bed with hard nights and he took the hint and downed two of the pills, then his eyes closed and he fell asleep, purring gently. I gave into temptation and lifted the covers, he was a lot larger then I expected, but with all of this excitement he had made a bit of a mess to the covers, I thought about cleaning it up but instead I turned off the light and cuddled into his fur, nuzzling his chest gently, I had to have time to think about how to deal with his new bond to me. But those problems were for tomorrow, now I had a comfortable bed, a handsome fox pressed against me, and some dangerous dreams ahead of me.

I'm now going to be doing stuff like this, this was a little taste-test to the lustful side of the story, so hopefully, you guys enjoyed it. -Nuz

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