C2P6 - "I guess so"

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Dusk POV-

"Game over? Awh come on this is bullshit." I muttered to Fetch as I gave the arcade machine another light kick on its side as if it were supposed to do anything.

Fetch shrugged, sipping from something that was related to caffeine.

"Really? I thought it became basic knowledge that you only get three lives in Pac-Man." He chuckled before taking a loud sip from his drink.

"Alright, one more time. You got any more change on you?" I urged, desperate to beat the high score he had gained the first time he played.

It was my 47th attempt and counting.

"Nope, that's enough anyway it's like 3 in the morning. Besides I've got to drop something off at Rust's." He muttered, throwing his drink in the bin though it wasn't empty.

My head cocked sceptically.

"Rust? The pill-popper?" I began before his stare cut me off.

"Sorry. What are you dropping off?"

The German Shepherd walked outside into the cold night air and to his car. The Arcade wasn't exactly a hit anyway.

"A pillow."

I waited a minute to register if he had said what he just said.

"You're driving all the way to Rust's, at 3 in the morning... to drop off a pillow?"

"Pretty much." He smiled as we got into the car. He twisted the keys and took off from the carpark without further a due.

"Is it a holy-pillow? Does it literally make your dreams true or somethin'?" I joked lightly. Doing my best not to shiver while I subtly turned the air-con off with one paw.

"Not that I know of." He laughed in return, then held the pillow against my face lightly. Making me chuckle beneath the fabric.

"However rumours say that it will suffocate any wolf who mocks it."

I pushed it away playfully, putting it back on Fetch's lap and taking the opportunity to lean my head on his shoulder.

"Ah, that kind."


As I expected, the drive was long, it was always long between our houses. I guess the only thing uniting us students was the small town where we met up for cheap and easy pleasure. Fetch had been quiet, not that I blamed him for not starting conversation. He was tired, a lot more tired than I was. But he managed to pull through and keep driving, despite me constantly asking if he wanted me to drive while he caught up on some sleep.

"It was from when we first met." He said out of nowhere, his voice strangely clear as if he had been thinking about it for a while.

"Hmm?" Was the only thing I could manage, lacking the motivation to even open my eyes, let alone my muzzle.

I felt one of his paws start to stroke the fur on my arms.

"The pillow, I gave it to him when we first met. Back when it was just me and him."

I opened my orange eyes and turned my head to face him, I realised that this whole time I had been laying on the pillow in his lap. So I leaned up back into my seat, feeling a cold tingle make its way up the parts of my body which were preciously pressed up against Fetch.

"Oh. How far 'back' are we referring to?" I asked with a yawn, though he didn't seem to yawn back.

He made a small sigh, making a small puff of vapour which seemed to dampen the windscreen for a split second.

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