C2P22 - The ringing

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Fetch POV-

We had received the texts telling us that Dusk was trying to find a way out, but it turned out we didn't need them. The sounds presented themselves one after another.

First a slam of a trapdoor, that was one pretty obvious.

But then there was knocking, and a muffled gunshot, before the trapdoor opened and there were two more gunshots from the same gun.

Vincent had talked me into finding the surface as soon as we could anyways. After all, it was either that or staying down in here. The air had been filled with so much gas at this point that our eyes were beginning to water - Vince's were easy to see because they glowed - and we needed to hold the fabric of our jumpers up to our mouths so we could breathe without coughing. One thing was for sure, we couldn't stay down here.

As we had been running along Kevin had met up with us, which made us jump, before Vince quickly ran to him and their lips locked as if it was the first time seeing each other in years. I stood and smiled without judgement. After all, we had been through today, I wouldn't be surprised if they stripped down and began to screw.

After endless rummaging around in the dark we found the source of the sounds and all three of us ran towards the light of the staircase.

No, ran is an understatement. We sprinted up those stairs and into the light.

There was very little light outside but even the tinted red sky was hard for my eyes to adjust to, and when I did I was amazed who I saw out here with us.

There was Mike standing a fair distance away from us, with Lavender by his side. They both had that look that rabbits do, where they stop and stare for a while, preparing to bound away at any second.

There was Twig kneeling on the ground a few metres away from us, preforming CPR on an almost unconscious Dusk, who lay with his body sprawled on the ground.

Then, of course, there was Kevin kneeling over to catch a breath, letting the adrenalin drain from his system, and next to him (a few steps behind me) stood Vincent, with his black paws rummaging around his pockets, looking for something.

Despite all of the different emergencies and situations going on at this very second, I still asked:

"What have you lost?"

The wolf turned his attention to me - for some reason he's been more respectful towards me since I saved his life with my powers - and let out a low grumble before he answered.

"I think I dropped my damn lighter somewhere back there." He said, obvious pain in his voice. I empathised anyways, it probably meant a lot to him. Maybe a gift from Kevin or something.

I chuckled, feeling the cold air of the sky beginning to drop down upon us as a light wind started to stir in the absence of the once golden rays of light.

"Might be for the best, I'm not a big fan of explosions."

He grunted in agreement and I knelt down with Twig, the green reptile who I never really knew too well in school, who was helping Dusk - luckily now conscious - up into a sitting position.

"Hey Fetch," Dusk said, a little bit delirious. I didn't know what had happened, but whatever it was, it left him alive. And I was surely grateful for that.

"Hey hotstuff," I replied with a small smile.

He squinted his orange eyes as he looked at mine.

"W-Weren't your eyes blue?"

Our conversation was interrupted as footsteps made their way up the staircase and we heard the metallic clinks of a gun being picked off from beside us. All of our heads (Me, Dusk, Twig, Lavender, Kevin, Mike and Vince) turned quickly to see a fur with half of his face a shattered pale white mask, and the other half of the face belonged to a hyena who was grinning intensely as he juggled Mike's/Twig's gun in his grip.

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