C2P4 - Muzzledive

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Mike POV

"What are we doing as Rust's house, we're going to get caught!" Twig obsessively whispered behind us as we peered through the windows of the house. Me and Lav simply rolled our eyes and kept going. It was what I wanted, through her plan, with Twig as a bodyguard.

Ever since Fetch's school file was shown to me by the principal, it was my primary concern to find out what was in it, and why he was being so defensive about it. And if I wasn't going to get it through the file, the next option would to get it from a fellow skimmer, his best friend who was a fox. His name might have been Dust, or Lust? Something along those lines at least. And the best way to get intel out of them was for them to be scared, alone, and restricted. And when Lav suggested that we kidnapped him, the plan was made from there.

"Shush! You're going to get us caught." Lav whispered back. It was tempting to lean back from the window and scold them both for being loud, but that would just be making more noise as well.

My eyes scanned the room inside, trying to find any movement, but luckily there was none.

"I think, " I began, scanning around inside a final time. "there's no one there, or awake at least," I whispered, almost to myself as I slid my large paw under the opening of the window to lift it fully up.

"Be careful," Lav whispered with a wink as I climbed inside, thumping as I hit the ground gently. She came in next, making no sound at all, and then came Twig, who was dumb enough to go head first and ended up face planting on the floor. Which eliminated the whole point of staying quiet in the first place.

None of the lights were on so it was difficult to tell where I was going, but as my eyes adjusted to the light I made out something right in front of me. Something slumped over a kitchen table. Something that looked eerily familiar, and that something, was Rust.

"HOLY FU-" I began but muffled my scream of terror by stuffing my own paw in my mouth. He didn't move, he just sat there, lifeless, without any reaction to the noise I had just made. I twisted my head over to face Lav and Twig, who both had their eyes wide open and their paws covering their muzzles in pure terror, both in shock of his appearance and the fear of being caught.

There were a few seconds of silence, painful seconds might I add, as I couldn't take my eyes off of the fox, I was terrified.

"I-Is he... dead?" Twig asked through his paws, as scared as I was of making a move, though I did my best not to show mine.

"I don't know," I whispered back quickly. I made a gesture to the light switch and Lav tiptoed over to it, before turning it on suddenly.

The light in the room seemed to sting at first, as it revealed the bundle or orange and brown fur across the table, but it showed what was going on. He was unconscious, and either drunk, drugged, or worse. The table seemed to be overflowing with little white pills that loomed all over his house, like small maggots infesting through everything.

He groaned a little at the light, wrapping his paws around his head weakly and defensively.

"Drug addict? I saw him taking a few at school. But, I mean... he was a shitload of them." I asked Lav with a raised eyebrow. She shrugged slightly.

"I don't think so. This isn't the typical party stuff, this is medication, serious medication. I don't know why he's taking it, or what it does, and to be honest I don't want to know." She said, not in a whisper anymore because the fox was clearly incapable of movement.

The original plan was to get his bottle of pills and replace them with a faulty bottle of our own. Which would consist of sleeping and knock out stuff so we could kidnap him easily and without leaving a trace. It was too simple. But now that what we assumed was just a small bottle of pills, was an entire colony of them. The plan was doomed to fail.

"What do we do boss?" Twig asked, almost mirroring my thoughts. I would have rolled my eyes, but he had a good point.

"We could replace a few of them. I mean, he had to have taken a lot of them to get to this state. Certainly, he would get one of ours in there." Lav chimed in.

I shook my head lightly. It was almost pitiful to see the fox, who was so tough and superior at school, now just a limp body slumped over a mountain of medication.

"We don't need to do anything. Less evidence right? I mean, look at him." I said with a sigh and lifted his arm with a paw, his body twitched slightly as he became aware that someone was there.

"So we just go then, and come back later when we have the gear to take him out and pick him up?" Lav mumbled, almost disappointed and I nodded to her. The fox tried lifting his head to face me but just ended up falling off the chair in a heap of incapability.

"Not such a skimmer now aren't ya?" I asked rhetorically with a chuckle as I peered over him.

I spat on him with a laugh and began to head off with Lavender, this time through the front entrance, then stopped as Twig didn't follow.

Twig then appeared in the doorway dragging the fox into a room. This time I rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing you scale headed idiot?" I muttered impatiently. He didn't respond and took him into the room out of sight. Before he walked casually back out again to leave.

"Let's go." He said, trying to act casual. Lav kicked him in the shin and I grabbed his neck and held him against the wall, letting rage get the hold of me.

"What, were, you, doing." I snarled, inches away from his face.

"I was... um..." He stuttered and I punched the wall next to him which made him yip in fear.

"I was tucking him in!" He yelled out of fear. I almost laughed for a second. But I continued to death stare him, tightening my grip on his jugular.

"YOU WERE TUCKING OUR VICTIM, THE FUR WHO WE'RE KIDNAPPING, INTO BED?!" I bellowed. He squirmed beneath my grip, losing his breath until I finally let go.

"I couldn't leave him like that." He said, shaking his head lightly, Lav whispered something to him that I couldn't quite understand as we left the house.

Tucking him into bed, what an absolute idiot.

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