C1P15 - Lions and Huskies

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Fetch POV

I lay Fetch down onto the operating table, not bothering to be gentle about it. I had always wanted to be something like a doctor, and now suddenly I was one. Three nurses crowded around Fetch, checking his pulse and other necessities before the operation. He would be okay, for now at least. I began to leave the room, satisfied with my work.

"Aren't you going to operate as well sir? You are a certified surgeon after all." One of the nurses called out to me, the words slightly muffled through the plastic mask they always wear.

"Not on this one sorry, I have to go." I said and quickly and opened the door.

"Can we at least get the patients name? So we can call his parents in once the procedure is finished."

The idea of me having parents stung a little.

"Alex Faketon." I lied quickly, with the straightest face I could manage. They stared back at me, not moving at all. For a second I thought they didn't believe my lie.

A few minutes went by of me standing there shuffling awkwardly, they still stared at me.

A few more minutes, still absolutely no movement. Something was going on.

I moved to the left to experiment, their eyes didn't move onto me, the nurses were completely frozen in place.

I was weirded out by now so I stepped outside, there was another resident of the hospital who spilled his drink, except both her and the droplets of the water remained frozen in the air.

I had stopped time.

"What the fuck..." I mumbled to myself, still not used to the voice of the doctor that I was controlling. I had slowed time before on occasion, like when I caught the bullet to save Dusk. I blushed at the memory of him. The world began to glow suddenly around me, like it was when I was pushed out my body.

Something was happening with my power, I closed my eyes and concentrated on Dusk. His eyes, his deep and husky voice, his handsome face he kept so modest about.

And just like that I left my body again, well the doctors body. This time I wasn't floating, I was flying towards something through a swirling oblivion of white light. Until finally I was floating above Dusk, he was in a medical bed with made me frown. Tubes attached to his arms which led up to move tubes, syringes, blood bags, scissors. Scissors?! My eyes darted toward the object, and noticed a large and bulky lion grinning over him, he was going to kill Dusk. Luckily, I had frozen time at the right moment, a second later and the fur I love could have died. It was difficult to admit, but I had a crush on Dusk.

I tapped Mike on the shoulder and immediately felt myself shift into his body, his fat, lard filled, generally fucking disgusting hunk of lion meat which somehow identifies as a fur. I was going to hurt him good.

I dropped the scissors and they held in place in the air, hm, time was still frozen, that meant I could do something. I leant over the bed and gave Dusk a kiss. Then pulled away, fearful that my mad blushing and pounding heart could un freeze time somehow. I wished I could of done it in my own body, but it still felt great in every way. With a smile I tucked him in, pulling the bedsheets up to his chin.

"I love you." I mumbled, saddened to see him in such a state.

Hmm. How could I make Mike pay, broken leg? That should do. I glanced to the window of the room and grinned, then without another thought ran full speed through it, beginning to fall down one story. Fuck I hadn't thought this through, I didn't think that I could feel anything in Mikes body but the pain as the glass hit my torso said otherwise. This was going to hurt like a bitch.

I concentrated again, I had to switch bodies. But who? I thought of Kevin for some reason, I tried to concentrate but all I could think about were the rumours of abuse from his stepdad.

I left the body once again. Blah blah blah you know how this goes. Hmm? What's that? I broke the fourth wall?! Oh shit! Sorry. Wait, does breaking the fourth wall and talking about breaking the fourth wall technically break the FIFTH WALL?!?! OMG NO WAY!! But, do remember I am a supernatural fur who just froze time, so this shouldn't really be much.

Anyways, back to the story-

I ended up in Kevin's step dad, which was weird and not what I intended, but it still got me out of Mike and I was thankful for that. I looked down, and then was surprised to see Kevin lying helplessly on the ground, the blade of a knife barely an inch from his throat.

Steven of course was holding that knife. I threw it to the side, but as I let go it just stayed where I had released it, suspended in mid air.

Jeez stopping time could be weird.

Without further a due I got off of Kevin, of course he didn't change position. In fact now that I could see him better, one of his forearms was dripping steadily with blood, obviously from a slash wound.

But just like the knife, they remained suspended. Long drops of dark blood just staying there in the middle of the air, waiting to be unfrozen and dropped.

I felt myself scowl, anger at what Steven was about to do to his own step-son. So the rumours were true then: Kevin was abused.

How could I mess up this son of a bitch? I thought to myself, before I shook my head, I should help Kevin first.

I picked up Kevin's body, which was surprisingly light, as if it weight nothing. It was life pushing something around in space, the only difference being how momentum didn't seem to exist in this new world of mine.

I realised I couldn't do anything to Steven like I had done to Mike, otherwise he would just hurt Kevin more, saying that it's his fault. Blaming him, his stepson, for the nut job that he had become. It's a shame, this guy really deserved a fuck up.

Maybe even more then Mike did.

I didn't know where Vincent was so I just carried him down to the hospital. As I went to Dusk's room I saw the doctor I was in before, the body that I had taken control of. Which was really, really disorientating. I lay Kevin against a waiting chair next to Dusk, at least they had each other now, they could look after each other for a while.

I rubbed my hands together, satisfied with my work. And then ran back to Stevens house, which wasn't easy because his body was a lot less fitt then mine.

Now all I have to do is unfreeze time. Hmm, how would I do that? I didn't know how. This wasn't exactly something that I did on a daily basis. Though it could be, if I were to just learn how to control it.

So instead I ran full force into a wall, and sure enough, my consciousness was pulled into a world of black as I passed out.

Woah, this story is getting weird AF huh? Honestly I love it. Sorry for the wait ladies and gentlemen. -Nuz

The Love we Hide (Gay Furry Romance/Thriller story) MA15+Where stories live. Discover now