C2P5 - "need a break?"

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Vincent POV-

Waiting outside of Kevin's house was never easy. It was bad enough that his piece-of-shit stepdad Steven couldn't know about me, but that meant that I had to witness him beating Kevin. And god knows how many times I've dug my claws into my sides to stop myself from intervening.

I sat cross-legged in the bushes opposite his yard. It was relatively late early, around 6:30, but the sky was still dark. I had been waiting for half an hour for Kevin to get out. We did this every night, he would try to get out and if he was successful then we could go and enjoy ourselves. Most of the time Steven was too drunk to notice that he was gone, but this time he was awake and alert.

"Get back here you fuckin' coward!" Steven yelled, I could hear him through the open window in Kevin's room which was pretty much only used as an escape route. I could feel my eyes going red so I forced some deep breaths.

'Kevin loves me.' I thought to myself, it was actually beginning to calm me down. But no matter how hard I concentrated my thoughts would always be plotting a way to kill the fur who was attacking my loved one.

I think that it's safe to say that nothing has been going particularly well lately. First I attack Dusk, then for some dumb ass reason my therapist was tracking Fetch, and now Kevin, the only fur that puts up with me is getting the shit kicked out of him! That's it, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I felt my eye twitch as fiery red burned every inch of my body. I'm going to do it, I'm going to kill him.

My rage was interrupted as I saw Kevin leap out of his window, followed by Steven trying to grab him before he fell but he was too late as Kevin rolled on the ground, sprinting towards me and running into my arms.

"Are you okay?" I said to him, holding his weak body close to me. Just the feeling of him close to me seemed to push back my inner demon.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just go. Anywhere but here." He whimpered as we began to sprint the my truck. We practically leapt in and I drove us down the road. Trying to go slowly to avoid attention from the fuming husky scanning his backyard for any signs of an abused Coyote.


It took a few hours of driving until we got out of that town. Kevin lived in the worst town in the state, all of the drug dealers and anyone looking for a fight or something to smoke occupied every suburb near there. They used to have a high school before the furs there went violent and burned the place down. Basically, every location served as a warning to stay away from it.

My thoughts were interrupted as I felt a paw slap the side of my muzzle, which stunned me from the shock as I turned my head to face Kevin.

"What was that for?!" I said rubbing the side of my muzzle.

"You raged." He growled.

I went silent for a little while, staring out onto the road, hoping to find a response somewhere in my head.

"He hurt you."

"Do you know what furs in my town do to Demons?" He asked rhetorically.

I shook my head lightly.

"I don't care, he hurt you, Kevin," I muttered, not expecting a response, and he didn't give one.

I felt my ears prick up slightly as the smell of rust filled my nose.

"You're bleeding," I said as my mouth began to salivate, not even needing to look.

"I know, you can pull over if you want to get some fresh air." He said suggestively. I smiled, it was nice having someone who knew what I was, and even nicer to have someone who loved me for what I was. I shook my head lightly, feeling the urge to attack him fade away as quickly as it began.

But I parked the truck into an empty car park anyway and stepped out of the vehicle. I took a breath of air, but it was different than normal, it was salty and enjoyable.

"Kevin, get out," I said with a smile, locking the truck as he got out and stood next to me.

"You feeling better?" He asked with concern, a small breeze weaving through facial fur. He was wearing a faded blue jumper that seemed to go with his eyes, paws in his pockets to warm them against the cool morning air. I would have held him in a hug if it weren't for the streak of blood across his left bicep.

"I will when you feel better," I said with a chuckle as I took an undersized medkit out from my back pocket. I had bought it from the pharmacy the other day in case something like this happened. I reached out to attend to his arm but he gently pushed me back with one paw, backing up slightly.

"Vince, that's sweet, it really is. But-"

"But what?" I said stubbornly, looking into his eyes with concern.

He opened his muzzle then shut it again, knowing the words but nervous to say them.

"But its blood... I don't want you to lose yourself."

I pushed his paw away and kissed his forehead.

"The only way I'll get better is with practice right?" I responded, he nodded slightly with a nervous smile and lead him by the paw into a small forest connected to the carpark.

"Where are we going?" Kevin asked behind me as I pulled us out into the opening.

I saw the ocean, with gentle waves lapping up against the sand, which was white and untouched. There were no other furs there, just the morning sun rising up slowly on the horizon, painting the atmosphere with a faint orange hue.

"Heh, I know a private beach when I smell one." I laughed confidently, I heard Kevin aw next to me, intertwining his paw with mine.

"That's amazing." He chuckled, taking it all in.

"I bet you'll enjoy it more once I get you patched up," I said lightly and sat him down, taking off his jumper to reveal the gash in his bicep, which was somehow still bleeding.

"Serrated?" I asked out of the blue.

"What?" He responded predictably, which made me smile.

"Steven used a serrated knife when he cut you, didn't he?" I said simply, he didn't respond.

I applied antiseptic ointment onto a swab and held it on the wound, making Kevin wince in pain. I quickly took it away, then began to stare at the blood-soaked cotton in my paws.

"Do you need a break?" He asked, bringing me back to my senses.

"No, I'm good," I said, concentrating on the task at hand.

I wrapped a bandage around the wound and finished up. Trying to not get any more sand in the medkit then was already in there.

Kevin lay down across the sand, looking out at the sunrise, and I lay down with him, letting him rest his head on my chest.

There were so many things I could have said, like 'I love you', or 'I'm so happy that I'm with you'. But there wouldn't be one that he didn't already know, and I knew that it went both ways. I turned my gaze onto his eyes, finding something even more beautiful than the sunrise. He cuddled into me, wrapping his body loosely around mine, taking in my natural heat.

"There's no place I'd rather be right now." He mumbled with satisfaction. I chuckled in agreement.

"Want to have sex?" I suggested with a grin. I heard him burst out laughing, making my chest vibrate slightly.

"Sex on the beach?" He clarified. Looking up at me in almost disbelief, I couldn't help but continue to grin immensely.

"Why not?"

The Love we Hide (Gay Furry Romance/Thriller story) MA15+Where stories live. Discover now