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"You're the first girl i've ever loved

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"You're the first girl i've ever loved..."
"Wait, really?"
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Ashtray wasn't the type of boy to fall in love. He was a 15 year old drug dealer who hides guns in cereal boxes. He never fell for a girl, he didn't really see girls his age because he spends most of his time at the gas station selling drugs and counting money.

That all changed when he met Y/n though. Y/n is Nates younger sister, thankfully she is nothing like him. After Fez beat the shit out of Nate, Y/n ran after him and thanked him for that. Ash and Fez were really shocked by this but they took a liking to the girl just because she hated Nate Jacobs.

After that, Y/n went to the gas station with me very often, i got her into drugs and shit. Ashtray was shocked when Y/n stood in front of him asking for weed or any type of drugs that would make her feel good, he was mad at me for even convincing Y/n to take drugs and thats when Fez and I realised that little Ash was falling for Y/n, we were proud of him.

I walked into the gas station and smiled at Fez as soon as i saw him, but he had a distressed look on his face. "Fez, whats up?" I asked in concern and he ran a hand over his face with a sigh. "Ashtray is fuckin' pissed at Rue, he won't talk to her. When he does, he yells at her or tells her to shut the fuck up" he explained and i was confused.

"Is Ash in the back?" He nodded and i went to go and see him. Ashtray was busy counting money, he looked incredibly pissed. He looked up at me and his face softened a bit. "Y/n, if you're here for fucking drugs, i'm not giving you any" he said, where the fuck did this attitude come from? "Ash, enough with that attitude" he went to speak but instantly stopped.

I walked over to him and hugged him, he rested his head on my chest and eventually wrapped his arms around my waist, i now stood in between his legs.

"Can you tell me why you're so mad at Rue?" I asked, gently stroking his head. I heard him sigh. "She got you into drugs..." he whispered and i looked down at him and let out a small laugh. "Ash, why do you care?" I questioned and this time he groaned in irritation and pulled away from me.

"The fuck do you mean? Why wouldn't i care Y/n?! You're literally the most perfect girl and you should know better. You can't waste your life away doing this shit, you understand me?" He scolded and i eyes him carefully, finding out that he was telling the truth. I know it was stupid to do drugs, but I can't stop.

"Ash..I can't stop, okay? Every time i try, I always fail!" I told him and he stood up and put one hand on my neck carefully, pulling my face closer to his. "I'll help you stop, I don't wanna see you like this...you're the first girl i've ever loved" he whispered the last part, staring right into my eyes. "Wait, really?" He nodded and i immediately pulled him in for a kiss, he obviously kissed back.

"You're the first boy i've truly loved" I whispered back and Ash smiled. Its not that often we see him smile, he's usually got a cold look on his face, a frown. Ashtray sat down and patted his lap. I sat down and he let me help him with the money counting.

After that, Y/n kept Ashtray in line. She made sure he wasn't rude to me since i was like an older sister to her. Ash helped Y/n with her drug addiction. He never got mad if she accidentally took some, he'd just support her and say reassuring things so she doesn't feel bad about herself. We all knew that they both needed each other, now they finally have each other.

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