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CONTAINS SPOILERS❝𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙽𝙻𝙴𝚈❞———————————————————————

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I stood in shock as Klaus fell to the floor, a hole in his chest from where the arrow went through. My eyes slowly went towards Stan, who held the gun in shock. "UNCLE KLAUS!" He yelled sadly, immediately putting the gun down. Blood was soaking the fuzzy white carpet beneath the man while Stan and i stood there in shock, until i heard heavy breathing from next to me.

"W-what did i do?! I'm go-gonna go to jail, my dad is gonna hate me even more and Klaus will hate me too!" My boyfriend started panicking, his hands shaking madly. I knew i had to calm him down before he went further into his panic attack. I gently cupped his cheeks. "Hey, Stan listen to me" i spoke softly but he kept muttering small words.

"Stanley!" I exclaimed sternly and his eyes snapped towards me. "Listen to me, you need to calm down..okay?" I told him, and myself too..my boyfriend just shot my best friend, i have no idea how i was so calm. But i tried to remain it so I didn't scare Stan. "I-i cant calm down, i killed him!" He yelled in stress, i stroked his cheeks gently. "Stanley, you panicking will make this worse, breathe" i told him, he managed to control his breathing.

"My dads gonna hate me..i killed my uncle" he whispered sadly, wiping away his tears. "You didn't mean too, Stan..i'm sure Klaus will be fine" i slowly looked at the pale, bleeding man on the floor. "Or maybe he won't but who's fault is that, huh?" I joked lightly and Stan gave a fake smile back. "No wonder my mum leaves me all the time and my dad makes no effort to bond with me...I'm annoying"

I pulled him into a hug. "You are not annoying, you're a kid having fun and well, being curious and being curious always leads to mistakes. Never thought the mistake would be shooting someone but the word is full of surprises" i kissed his cheek and took his hand. "Should we get some bleach to dispose the body?" He asked with a shaking voice. "Yep, yep. Lets go!" And with that, we both rushed down the hotel hallway...deary me.

A/n: what nickname should i make Stan call Y/n. Ashtray has Ma & Angel, Javon has baby and Ma. What should I have for Stanley?<3

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