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in this, you have heterochromia

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in this, you have heterochromia.
whoever has that irl, you're so pretty and ur eyes are definitely beautiful <3

When i was 5 years old, i was picked on for having 'weird eyes'. The kids in my class would call me a weirdo and as i got older, it changed to freak. Some people actually loved my eyes. Especially my best friends Jayla, Jaden and Kylee and my boyfriend Javon. They really admired my eyes...

However, some people didn't...I accepted that.

TBHITSY/N has posted:

(for my white skinned girls<3)

(for my dark/mixed skinned girls<3)

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(for my dark/mixed skinned girls<3)

liked by onwardwanna, onwardjdub, jaylawaltonofficial and 1,901,895 otherscaption: different but the same<3

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liked by onwardwanna, onwardjdub, jaylawaltonofficial and 1,901,895 others
caption: different but the same<3

onwardwanna: beautiful girl<3
— tbhitsy/n: ily wanna!!

jaylawaltonofficial: i have the wedding ring.
— tbhitsy/n: before u ask, yes.

hater57: ew her eyes.
— onwardjdub: ew you

hater08: disgusting

_kylee.pruitt: my best friend is gorgeous, might as well be my wife at this point😋
— tbhitsy/n: UM I ACCEPT?!?

hater24: 🤮🤮
— tbhitsy/n: you 2!!💕

onwardjdub: lets trade eyes!!🤭
— tbhitsy/n: lets not!!🤭


fan65: dont u think abt hating on her
— _kylee.pruitt: LITERALLY 🤭

hater76: freak.
— tbhitsy/n: gives jealousy icl

onwardnation: the most unique eyes 🔥
— tbhitsy/n: 💪🏼💪🏼

sadiesink_: freak? nah. goddess<3
— tbhitsy/n: you looking in a mirror, sadie?

onwardwanna: imagine hating on her🤡
— tbhitsy/n: ew i know, embarrassing
— _kylee.pruitt: so goofy of them...

I tried hard not to get the haters get to me and it was so much easier because it wasn't iust me who was trying to stop them. The Waltons did too, Wanna the most. Daelo didn't really, but he made me feel better after he knew how much hate i had gotten. My parents help me with it too, they say I'm gorgeous and unique. I've learned to ignore the hate but sometimes people do go to far.

I sat on my bed looking at the picture of myself, just to admire what other people don't deserve to see until i got a call from Javon. "Hello?" I answered and smiled when i heard his voice. "Hey ma. Me, Jaden, Jayla and Daelo are having a movie tonight. Wanna come over?" He asked. "Of course, do you know what we're watching?" I replied. "Uhh...Frozen but it was totally Daelo's choice!" He informed quickly.

I knew he was lying and laughed at him.

"I know it was your choice, Wanna" i teased and i heard him huff. "Okay, it was!" He gave up with a laugh. I just shook my head with a smile. "Okay, what time should i come over?" I questioned. "Around 5" he answered. "Alright, i love you" i spoke, i knew he was grinning on the other side. "I love you more, beauty" he always called me beauty because of my eyes. He thinks they represent beauty.

When i got to the Waltons, I noticed they had a blanket fort on the floor in Jayla's room. "So..this is creative" i said, gaining Daelo's attention. Daelo ran up to me and jumped into my arms. "Hey Y/n!!" He yelled happily, i chuckled. "Hey Daelo!!" I replied with the same energy. Daelo is an energetic boy, much like his siblings. I put Daelo down and Wanna walked over and pecked my lips before taking my hand.

He took me inside the fort where Jaden and Jayla were. Jaden stuffing his face with popcorn. "Jaden, thats for the movie!" Jayla scolded and her brother shrugged. "Theres the girl with the magnificent eyes!" Jaden spoke dramatically, ignoring his sister. Who rolled her eyes before hugging me.  We all eventually settled down for the film, i was cuddled up to Javon. Halfway through, the siblings slowly fell asleep but Wanna and i were wide awake.

My eyes were on the film until Javon spoke up. "Y/n, look at me real quick" he said, i looked up at him and he automatically smiled. "What?" I asked with a laugh. "Nothing, your eyes are just insanely pretty" he informed and i smiled wider. "Well, yours are pretty too, i'm not special" I chuckled and he shook his head. "No, you're definitely special" he insisted. "Well so are you!" I pushed and he laughed.

"Fineee..." he gave in but i know he only said it to make me happy. "I dunno why people hate your eyes so much, you're gorgeous, beauty" he explained and leaned in to kiss me. And i happily kissed him back. I'm glad Wanna and the rest of the Waltons accept me and my unique eyes.

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