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Exams sucked. They sucked so much. They were also stressful and tiring. Adults expect so much from us, i hated it, as did many others. Revising and studying was hard too, i always lost focus. So right now when i was studying, i was getting more and more agitated by the minute.

In front of me, i had a maths textbook and many scrunched up papers. The papers were practice questions that i tried, but failed on. Maths was my worst subject, i never understood a word of it. People teased me for it, but its hard for some people to understand. Science wasn't my best topic either, but i was more confident in that then i was in maths.

"Y/N, SOMEONES HERE FOR YOU!" I heard my mum yell. "TELL THEM IM TOO BUSY BREAKING DOWN!" I shouted back before dropping my head onto my desk, groaning at the pain it caused. I heard a knock at my bedroom door and just whined in anger, looking at the door, i saw Javon.

"Not to be rude, but please leave" i grumbled, turning back around and slamming my head down again. He rolled his eyes at me and closed my door, walking over and wrapping his arms around my shoulders from behind. He laid his chin on my shoulder and pecked the lobe of my ear gently.

"I can see you're stressed" he whispered, i huffed at him. "Well duh!" I said rudely, motioning to the mess on my desk. "Enough attitude, Y/n. I know you're stressed. But please stop being rude, now..i can help you if you want" He spoke firmly, i sighed and held his arms that were wrapped around me. "I'm sorry for being rude, im so fucking stressed Wanna..please help me" i whimpered.

"Okay angel, its alright. I'm here to help you, its fine" he reassured gently. We spent 1 hour revision maths, even Wanna didn't know half the questions so we didn't bother. We moved onto English and read some of the book the test would be based on. I felt my eyes getting heavy, i had to force myself to stay awake. But Javon noticed my tiredness.

"I think its time to get you to bed" he murmured into my ear, he put the book on my bedside table and pulled me into his chest. "Don't you have to go home?" I mumbled lazily. "No, i told my parents I might end up sleeping over, they're cool with it" he replied, kissing my forehead.

"Now go to sleep, we can study more tomorrow but your sleep is more important, ma." He explained, i smiled softly. "You're so cute.." i spoke with a light laugh and Wanna rolled his eyes playfully. "Shut up and sleep" he teased. We shared one last kiss before I cuddled back into his chest and fell into a deep peaceful sleep, no longer stressed thanks to Javon Wanna Walton.

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