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I walked into Fez and Ashtray's house, they normally just let me walk in, they were used to it by now. My eye was aching, it was turning black and blue. I was the most clumsiest person ever, I always had a new bruise every day, each week. Today, i bashed my eye into the door...typical me to be honest.

"Ash? Fez?" I called out, i then heard movement from the hall and watched as Ashtray appeared. He took notice of the bruise forming on my eye and rolled his eyes. "What on earth did you do this time?" He teased with a smirk. I chuckled and he walked over to me and tilted my head a little to look at it.

"I bashed my face into a door" I replied with a laugh, Ash looked unimpressed but couldn't help the smile forming on his face. "I'd ask how but..you manage to get hurt in the weirdest ways possible" he said. "Follow me, i'll get some ice for you bruise and then we can just chill" he informed, taking my hand in his.

We walked over to the freezer where he got an ice pack, he stored them in the freezer as he knew how much cuts, bruises and other injuries i get. He handed it to me, not before kissing the injured spot gently. I smiled and placed the cold substance on my face, wincing a little at the cold.

"Come on, lets just relax" he spoke up again and my face lit up. "Does that mean cuddling?" I asked, he huffed and groaned. Deep down, i knew he loved it because sometimes, he'd beg for it. "Yeah, whatever" he replied and i smiled brightly, taking his hand and pulling him along with me.

We got into his bed and just cuddled, exactly like we planned. "Are you sleeping over tonight?" He asked, i started playing with his chain. "If you and Fez don't mind" I answered and i felt him kiss my forehead. "He won't care and I definitely don't" he said with a smile. His hand came up to cup my cheeks, his thumb grazing across the black eye.

"You manage to look absolutely beautiful with many bruises covering your face" he whispered, i smiled at him and we both leaned in, soon connecting our lips together. "I KNOW YOU'RE MAKING OUT IN THERE" we heard Fez yell, we jumped apart. "HOW'D YOU KNOW Y/N'S HERE!" Ashtray yelled back. "YOU LEFT AND ICEPACK OUT" his brother replied.

"Oh yeah...my icepack" I mumbled to myself with a laugh, Ash heard and laughed a little too. "WE'RE NOT MAKING OUT FEZ, LEAVE US ALONE!" Ash shouted and then pulled me closer to him. "I love you, ma" he whispered and pecked my lips. "I love you too, angel" I replied.

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